Part 8

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The plane begins to take off and the next thing you know you're asleep on Walker's shoulder. He has his head on top of yours. He is fast asleep. You're not really sure for how long, but it felt like forever. All the sudden you feel a vicious shaking, and you're awake. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are experiencing some normal turbulence. Please make sure all seat belts are fastened at this time. Thank you." All the sudden, you feel Walker move to put on his seat belt. You pretend to still be asleep. You never took your seat belt off from when the plane took off. "I just want to see how he reacts," you think to yourself. He puts his head where it was, right back on top of yours.

It takes everything in you not to freak out. Not to scream of happiness. "Could this be my summer love?" you ask yourself. "Could this be forever?" "No I'm just delusional...but his shoulder is really comfy. He smells really good too. Like really good," Okay now I'm cringing," You fall back asleep for the rest of the plane ride.

You wake up to feeling of the plane landing. You and Walker both wake up. You avoid eye contact because you don't know what he's gonna say, after all you did just sleep on his shoulder for the last two hours and you'd only met him an hour before.

He looks over at you a smiles. You finally look over at him and slightly blush. "what?" you say. "Oh ahem um nothing," you both sit there in silence for a few until the pilot comes over the intercom and says you can disembark from the plane. He grabs your bag for you. "Go ahead," he says and motions for you to go in front of him. "He's so mannerly" you think to yourself. "Like he's my dream man. I have to tell Molly about him," You get off the plane and say "I guess we should find the shuttle to camp," "sounds good, um uh would you wanna maybe sit together? Only if you want," "Sure, sounds good," you reply.

a/n~I'm actually really excited about this! My arms hurt from typing, but I think it's worth it! Also if you've made it this far THANK YOU SO MUCH!! -1/1/24

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