Charles Leclerc as your boyfriend ...

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He would always tell you what he wants

And he wants you

He wants to be with you

And he wants to have you

Your relationship would never be a secret

He loves to take photos of you

He rarely shares it with anyone

Those are only for him

But to his friends and family he would show them off

Everyone needs to know how cute you are

Cute dates are a must

He drives everywhere

If you don't have a license, he would teach you

If you do have a license, he would let you drive around his car

He would never admit but he is scared every time you drive because the car technically isn't his

Takes selfies when you drive

He is such a passenger princess

When he's driving, you take selfies of him

Quoting his most iconic lines is a must

If you put your feet up, he would give a 35 minute lecture about safety

You would never do that again

He would take you to the most beautiful places

He would shower you with gifts

And even if you tell him to stop he wouldn't

There would always be a newer collection of something that he would buy for you

But you do appreciate his gifts

Of course, he wouldn't want anything in return

But if you buy him anything, whether it is clothes or jewelry, he will wear it with pride

He would love it if you cooked for him

But if not, take-out is always an option

He would take you to the Grid with him

He likes to show off to you

But he would be rather jealous if another driver or mechanic flirts with you

But he knows you only have eyes for him

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