Not His Type, His /Charles Leclerc x Reader/

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Summary: During an interview, he describes his ideal woman, which is the exact opposite of you, the woman he is dating.----At first, you didn't want to believe it.

As you rewatched the video, it started to sink in.

He explained your exact opposite.

How does one deal with this?

How were you supposed to deal with the fact that your boyfriend just confessed that his ideal woman is nothing like you?

What were you supposed to do with that information?

Was this his way of breaking up with you?

Was this his way of saying he doesn't want you anymore?

Or were you just reading into this too much?

Your relationship with Charles wasn't a secret.

People knew, there were many photos of the two of you, most posted by yourselves.

So then what was happening?

And apparently, you weren't the only one wondering about this.

Under the video there were multiple comments. Then you got messages about different news websites reporting on the thing... great.

'F1 Driver Charles Leclerc Single Again?!'

'Trouble in Paradise! You WON'T BELIEVE what Charles Leclerc just said!'

'Charles Leclerc admits in a new interview, his girlfriend is NOT his ideal woman'

And so on.

And you weren't going to lie, it bothered you.

You ran so many scenarios through your mind.

You hoped he only spoke out of his head without a second thought. You knew how he could get after a certain race, he wouldn't think about what he was saying.

He probably didn't even realize what he had just done.

Your phone rang but you ignored it. Later on, you checked, it was your best friend, but you wouldn't want to talk with anyone now.

You were afraid to open the internet, you were scared to turn on the TV.

You didn't know what to do.

Then, Charles arrived back at the hotel room.

When your eyes locked with his, both of you stayed absolutely still and quiet.

"I am stupid." he said and you nearly started laughing, rolling on your stomach. His exact voice... perfect.


"I didn't mean it! I was thinking about the race, going through it in my head and then I just blurted out something. I swear!"


"I will post something on Instagram or make a statement, I will fix this." he pulled his phone out and you just knew, as soon as he saw the panic in his eyes, you forgave him.

Why were you even worried that he would want to break up with you?

"Charles." he looked up at your from his phone, you stood up from the bed and walked over to him. "Congrats. P5 is really good." you said as he smiled at you.

You swore his smile could make you forget everything.

"Thank you. But I really am sorry about the-"

"It's all good. Let them burn with curiosity a little bit more... But... Just so I know... you don't want to break up, right?"

"What?! NO! You are perfect!"

"But I'm not your ideal type."

"You might not be, but you are mine." you laughed a little and he pulled you in for a kiss.

It was time to celebrate a little, just the two of you, the rest of the world can burn and wait until you two were finished.

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