F1 Drivers Morning After - Preferences

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Warning: mention of smut, virginity


Max Verstappen

You remembered every detail the next morning when you woke up.

You recalled how sweet and sexy he was.

And now, you were still in his arms as you felt him taking in and out steady breaths.

You assumed he was still asleep.

You managed to wiggle out of his hold and put his shirt on before heading to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

He soon joined you in the kitchen.

"I wanted to surprise you." he said with a low morning voice as you turned to hug him.

"Looks like this time, I was faster than Max Verstappen himself." you smiled at you.

"You get 1st place. But only this once." he said as he leaned in to kiss you.

Daniel Ricciardo

Danny likes to joke, but nothing about your relationship was a joke to him. He proved that he can be very serious and still have that amazing smile to keep you calm.

Much like how he had done the night before.

You were very anxious, and you were still a little now, seeing how he seemed to have disappeared.

The door opened and he had a tray in his hands.

"Good morning, beautiful."

That smile, that damn smile.

As he sat down next to you, kissed your temple and presented the food he made, your worries disappeared.

Carlos Sainz

You woke up to kisses being placed on your shoulder and neck. The tickle made you giggle as you moved or rather tried to.

Carlos had a grip on you, not letting you out of his warmth.

"Morning," he said and you let out a long sigh.

You felt so warm and calm.

You loved this feeling of just being with him.

Charles Leclerc

He knew from day one that you wanted to wait until marriage. And he respected your decision.

He made a promise then that he would be your husband one day.

And yesterday, he became just that.

Your loving husband who made sure you were comfortable as you two made love.

And now, he was holding you close to his chest as you lay in a huge bed. You could hear the ocean from the house you two rented for your honeymoon.

And you swore it couldn't be any more perfect. Seeing him asleep, you watched his features as he slept.

Lando Norris

You woke up to the cold.

You opened your eyes only to find that your blanket was missing.

Your hazy mind didn't even realize what was going on, all you saw is that the person next to you had taken your blanket and was now sleeping soundly.

You stood up to grab a shirt and pee.

On your way to the bathroom, you nearly ran into a wall.

You were still very sleepy.

But soon, you were in the kitchen getting yourself some water.

This is when you realise what happened.

Images of last night filled your mind as you realized you just had sex with your boyfriend. And he stole your blanket after... nice.

You walked back to the bedroom, Lando still asleep. The clock on the wall was showing 5:40am.

You needed to go back to sleep. The thought that Lando had no work tomorrow and neither did you filled your mind as you realized, you two can stay in bed for as long as you wanted to.

You grabbed a blanket for yourself before moving back to the bed.

You moved close to him and fell asleep to the smell and soft snores of your boyfriend.

Oscar Piastri

You always imagined your first time to be special, and he made sure that it really was.

You felt special.

And now, you couldn't fall asleep.

You assumed you would be too tired, but somehow, you just couldn't sleep.

Oscar slept soundly right beside you, he was facing you, his hand holding yours.

You soon let out a yawn and fell asleep.

In the morning you woke up, slowly opening your eyes only to see Oscar looking at you.

You smiled as he placed a kiss on the back of your hand.

You felt so warm and happy in that moment, you were too scared to move, fearing it would ruin the moment.

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