A Difficult Start /Charles Leclerc x Reader/

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Summary: You were a sweetheart, but he was taken.
Warning: mention of injury


When you became the social media manager for Max Verstappen, a new door opened for you and you met the other drivers.

Working for Red Bull and Max was amazing and exactly what you were looking for.

Helping and managing social media accounts, and taking pictures at times, you quickly became a part of the team.

When your eyes met Charles for the first time, it was strange. You felt a connection you couldn't describe.

It was as if you met your other half.

The problem?

The problem was the tall woman by his side.

The woman he probably didn't even fully know.

That night, during your first meeting, you went to the bathroom when she came in with her friend.

The things she said about you.

You were disgusted.

And you should have known to trust your instincts, she was indeed a bully.

And she further proved your point when she decided to pour her wine all over you.

She apologised but still couldn't keep the smirk off of her face.

Nah, you won't play her games.

Back then, you promised yourself that you wouldn't allow her to do anything else to you.

And so far, you have managed to do just that.

Avoiding her and the Ferrari team was a good start.

But fate often had other ideas.

Somehow, no matter what you were doing, you ran into Charles.

You have been taking photos of the team for a year-book you wanted to have as a gift for everyone when you ran into him by accident.

"Oh, sorry." you said even before you saw who it was you ran into.

"It's all good. Are you okay?" the accent was unmistakable. You looked up and nodded at Charles.

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay, you seem busy."

"Oh, I'm taking pictures of the team." you showed him your camera.

"That's nice! You always take such good pictures. I would hire you myself if I could but you are already... taken." it felt as if his words had a deeper meaning, but you tried not to search for it.

"Thank you very much. I'm glad my work is paying off." you smiled.

"It really is. Sorry, but I have to go, take care." he smiled. He had such a gorgeous smile.

Then, everyone was invited to celebrate Max's win. Or should you say another win?

Charles and his girlfriend was there of course and you could feel her eyes stabbing daggers into your back from afar.

She really didn't like you, and you had to be ready in case she would do something.

You went to the bathroom and on your way back you noticed Charles standing alone, he looked at you as you got closer.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked but the music was so loud you didn't hear him, you leaned in closer as he leaned into your ear and asked the same thing.

You quickly nodded as an answer and he smiled.

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