Taking Back My Love /Lando Norris x Reader/

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Summary: You wanted to relax, forget and get drunk, but of course, the universe had another plan. Notes: Warnings: mention of possible cheating, alcohol consumption

Slow dancing to an upbeat song.

Holding each other close as everyone around you seemed to have disappeared in the fog.

The club was loud.

And yet, you didn't hear anything. Possibly the tequila shots you had earlier were finally working.

All you could see, hear and feel was him.

You weren't even sure if you were moving to the beat of the song.

You moved as he moved and placed a kiss on your neck.

Then suddenly as he pulled back everything came back.

The noise, the music and the pain.

You pushed the stranger back.

"I don't feel good," you said, not caring if he heard or not. Then you rushed to grab your bag and left. Just as you exited the club, you locked eyes with Lando. He was alone, with his phone in his hand.

"Ah. I had a feeling you would be here." he had a white hat on.

Of course, you would. It is where you met him after all.

You heard the door behind you open and close.

"Why did you leave, Babe?" you didn't look at the guy, but Lando did. "We were having fun, no? Let's go back and dance."

You watched Lando as his anger grew.


At least now he had some form of idea of how you felt.

How you still feel.

Betrayed. Hurt.

You love him for fucks sake!

And yet because of some PR move, McLaren had him go out on a "date" with a model... Even though people knew he was in a relationship already.

Thankfully the whole thing backfired.

Lando told you what he had to do, minimising everything saying it would be only a business dinner.

Then you saw the photos, much like everyone. Him smiling and laughing with the woman. The photos really made it look like a romantic date...

You called him, voicemail.

You left him about 15 voicemails, all yelling and crying about how he betrayed you.

Then, the public.

Since it was a known fact that he was dating you, most of the fans started to say that he was a cheater. They called him all kinds of names.

It got to a point where McLaren had to come out with a statement about Lando still being in a relationship with you, it was a business dinner he attended with the model.

No one believed it.

Especially since you broke up with him on the spot.

The photos of him with someone else, having a romantic dinner were too much.

And that is how you got to this club, to numb your pain and forget him.

The guy behind you grabbed your arm and you moved out of his reach.

"I told you I have to go."

"Don't care, I'll buy you another drink."

"I believe she said no." Lando spoke up beside you.

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