High School Sweethearts /Logan Sergeant x Reader/

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Summary: You and Logan got married at a young age, surprising the other drivers when they realised that Logan was a married man.

A/N: This piece was inspired by another piece, unfortunately, I forgot to save the work, but if someone can put it into the comments, I will tag the original writer.


Rumours were spreading all across the grid.

During practice for the Miami Grand Prix.

The pretty little doll around Logan Sergeant was the newest sensation.

No one had seen her before.

And everyone wondered who she could be.

The first person to ask the question was Lando. Because, who else would?

"Mate, we saw you with her yesterday, who is she?"


"The girl from yesterday, man." interrupted Charles as everyone stared and Logan.


"Ooooh, so that's her name, and who is she?" asked Lando as once again, silence fell between the men.

"You don't know who she is?" Logan asked, looking around as everyone shook their heads, no.

Logan laughed then smirked.

"I will let you all guess." he said with an amused look on his face.

"Your sister?" asked Oscar but Logan shook his head, no.

"Cousin?" tried Carlos. Nope.

"Girlfriend?" asked Lando.

"No." said Logan with a wide smile.

"Come on, Mate!" said Max with a frustrated tone. "We want to know who she is. Just tell us."

There was a knock on the door and you opened the door.

"Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?" you smiled at everyone as they all stared at you.

"No, Darling. Let me introduce you. Y/N, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Y/N, My Wife." you waved at everyone as they all looked at you, stunned.


It surprised you how no one knew who you were.

But everyone was so nice and cheerful.

You managed to speak to many of them and they wanted to know more about you.

The most asked question of course, is why were you married at such a young age?

"We got married at 18 years old. We went to High School together and went to prom together. And we love each other."

"It must be an American thing," said Lando as you laughed at his comment. "But congrats to you two." he continued and you both thanked him and everyone else before leaving the meeting room.

"I'm a little hungry." you said and both you and Logan agreed to go out and eat something.

Yes, you got married at a young age, and yes, you still loved each other. Yes, it was possible.

You two were the proof.

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