Imagine a Summer with Lewis Hamilton - Short Piece

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During the winter break, he made a promise that this summer he would take you to a very special place, your pick.

You choose a beautiful country with a warm climate and beautiful beaches.

It would be a very special summer indeed.

All year you would wait for Summer to just finally come, and when it does, Lewis will not disappoint.

He took you to the place you asked, no questions or doubt.

You would drool all over the floor anytime he would have his shirt off, you loved being out in the sun with him.

And let's be fair, Lewis is used to a certain level of life, so if you are into more simple things, not always the luxury, he would enjoy that as well.

He would say you help him feel grounded and humble.

On your last day, he would ask you a simple question, a question which will change your lives forever, "Will you marry me?" sounds so simple yet complicated at the same time.

You would have the obvious answer to make him the happiest man, "Yes."

Best summer ever.

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