To Have It All /Max Verstappen x Reader/

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Summary: Sometimes even the most fulfilling lives have something missing.


Max Verstappen, three times World Champion, should have it all.

Many thought he did.

He was successful in his career, he was rich and yet, he was missing something.

He would be lying if he said he didn't know what that something was.


He was missing you.

Being established in your own career, you once dated Max.

It had been a couple years.

You two broke up due to an argument on both of your part. Max was never around when you needed him and he argued that it was his career.

It was a stupid argument.

Definitely not something you would split up with someone over.

Max has been missing you ever since.

It was his biggest mistake to let you go and he knew it back then, he knows it now.

But ever since you two broke up, you never went to any races. He tried to find you, apologize and make up but you avoided him, and he didn't blame you for it.

The day you two broke up, he messed up in more than one.

He crashed due to a careless mistake with Hamilton and he put out his frustration on you.

He shouldn't have. He had no right to do so.

But it wasn't the first time he blamed you for his mistakes on the track.

Today, as he stood on the podium yet again, on the brink of becoming a 3rd time World Champion, listening to his anthem, he felt empty.

He thought winning was everything, it was all his father ever told him.

And he used to believe it, but he wasn't so sure anymore.

He looked at the sea of people, some even booing at him. He felt their hate, yet he still watched them, hoping to see you.

But you weren't there.

So, once he had his phone back in his hands, he pulled up your Instagram, to his surprise you didn't block him, he looked at your newest shared post, oh how he missed you.

Then, before he knew it was another race day.

He is starting from P1, no surprises there.

He looked at your Insta again and saw a picture of the Paddock.

His heart raced as his stomach dropped.

He was both nervous and excited.

He still had time, according to the picture, you were close to the RedBull VIP.

So, he headed there.

Many people turned their heads as he passed them.

Soon, he saw Christian with his wife Geri as she was talking with you.

Christian soon left giving a small nod to Max.

You looked at Max and he saw you letting out a long sigh.

You looked just as nervous as he did, but you did have the balls to at least approach him first.

"Hi Max,"

"Nice to see you." his voice did not match his nervousness thankfully.

But he also knew that you could read him like an open book. You would know his true feelings even before he did.

"Can we talk?" Both of you said at the same time. You smiled and let him lead you to a secluded room where you could talk.

"I posted the picture hoping you would see it. I guess it worked."

"You set a trap?"

"And you walked into it." You shrugged your shoulders as he looked at you dumbfounded. "Congratulations on your many wins this season. You deserve it."

"It means nothing."

"That is not true. Your fans are proud of you. And so am I."

"Are you no longer my fan?" He almost sounded desperate.

"Number 1. Forever."

"I'm sorry. I regret letting you go ever since. I am a dumbass. I took my anger out on you. If it means something, I still love you." he held his breath, afraid to move. He knew the next couple of minutes would decide his happiness. He watched as you took a deep breath before you smiled and looked into his eyes.

"It means everything." Max let out a sigh he wasn't even aware he was holding.

You were quick to rush into his arms and he hugged you close.

He noted how you changed your perfume.

He liked it.

He had you back now. And he knew, at the end of the day when he won, you would be there to kiss him and cheer for him. 

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