Livestream /Oscar Piastry x Streamer!Reader/

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Summary: You are a streamer and your boyfriend decided to crash your stream.

You have been streaming for about an hour when he started to ask questions and interrupt your gameplay.

Having Oscar home finally was a blessing, but his constant questions about cooking were really distracting.

So much so that even your chat now paid more attention to him.

Even when he wasn't on stream, they would ask about him, and ask you to bring him.

You knew many of them just wanted to see him, but there were a couple of people who just wanted to see the two of you together.

Today, when you started streaming you made it clear to your viewers that Oscar would only be on stream if they can behave and if he decides to show up.

You will not force him to be there and neither should they.

Some people left but most understood and stayed.

Currently, you were playing The Sims when you started to notice people saying Hi Oscar in the chat. You looked behind and there he stood.

"I think the stairs should be here. And you can put a basement down here." he said. You did as he said but, it wasn't good enough. "No, no. Here." he grabbed your mouse and moved the stairs, removing a window and you slowly stood up from your chair as he sat down. "You have a lot of money, let's buy some paintings."

You stood there, watching your boyfriend rearrange and redecorate the house you spent hours on, sometimes he asked chat what plants to buy or where to put more flowers.

He has even redone your garden.

Oscar completely stole your chat and you weren't even mad about it.

The house he made was amazing.

When he was done, he looked at you and you sat down to play.

"Thank you." you said as he moved to the kitchen to prepare some dinner. "Well chat, now you all know who decorated our apartment." you laughed a little.

A couple hours later you smelled smoke.

"Oscar?!" you yelled as you rushed out the room only to find him in the kitchen standing above a burnt pan.

"I was trying to make some pasta." he said.

"Pasta?" you looked at the pan, black. "You need water for that. How did this happen?" you laughed.

"I left it for just a moment, when I left it had water, when I came back it was burnt." you laughed even harder.

"Let's open the windows and order some food, you can come play with me while we wait."

"Sounds good." he smiled.

"Chat, I brought him back because he burnt our dinner so we are waiting for the delivery now." Chat was happy to see him back. "Maybe our next live can be some easy cooking so you all can see Oscar's love for cooking.

He rolled his eyes but laughed.

You continued to play but soon moved to a race game which was more Oscar's world.

You two raced against each other, and surprisingly, you won a couple rounds, which made you extremely suspicious.

"Don't let me win out of pity!"

"I'm not! You took the McLaren, I had to take the Ferrari!" he pouted.

"Oh, makes sense." you laughed and so did chat.

Let's just say that this little conversation became a huge meme within the community.

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