Too Far /Mick Schumacher x Reader/

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Summary: When dating him causes rage in some fans, they forget where the line is.


When the news of Mick and you dating came out, you expected the rumours, you were ready for the hate and the comments.

What you weren't ready for is the crazy fans who decided to harass you in public.

It started off with small things.

When you went shopping, things were missing from your cart. Then people started to push you. You thought it was by mistake but then you realized, it was all a game to them.

Videos on TikTok started to go around, it was almost like a challenge to them.

Who could push you more?

Mick mentioned to you that it wasn't okay and you didn't have to deal with the harassment, but you brushed it off.

"Don't worry, it will die down after a while. You know how people are, they will move on to the next thing."

He knew you were right.

But then, it got out of hand. So much so that you fell and got injured.

The video went viral before you could even get some help.

You were rushed to a hospital with a broken ankle and twisted wrist.

Your boyfriend called you, furious.

"This has to stop!" he texted. "I'm on my way, almost there." came another text, then. "I'm so sorry that this happened. I love you!"

Before you could text back, the door opened and he came in.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he saw the cast on your leg and the wrap on your arm.

"I'm good. The idiots pushed me on a slippery floor and as I fell my leg got stuck under the shelf and I fell on my wrist. How I can press charges?"

"I saw the video, Lando sent it to me. It's going viral and the public opinion is with you. Everyone's saying how that is just taking it too far and how they should be ashamed. Someone even found out the name of the girls and even after they took off the video, someone reported them." he let out a long sigh. "I was so worried about you. I'm glad you are safe."

"I agree, this has gone too far. Light pushing I can handle but breaking my leg... too much. Thank you." you smiled at him and pulled him in for a short kiss before the doctor came and let you leave.

You arrived home and ate something while Mick was on his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making a post. I need to set the boundaries and I can't just let this one go."

"I understand and agree... just be... kinda nice." you said as he nodded and continued typing.

'My Dear Fans,

I'm sure many of you are aware of what happened today. I kept silent out of respect for my girlfriend, but I can no longer do so.

She got seriously hurt today and I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen before.

I do appreciate all my fans but I think we all can agree that this is seriously not okay.

I decided to take a break from social media and spend my time with my girlfriend as now she will need someone to help her with tasks.

I hope we all can learn from this.'

You gave Mick a nod and he posted it.

He spent the entire day helping you with anything. He ordered food and even offered to help you eat.

"My other hand is just fine!"

"But I want to help." he argued and you couldn't help but laugh.

He wanted you to smile and laugh to forget everything that happened.

But later that night, while he was sleeping, your mind began to wonder.

All your insecurities and fears came to the surface.

You knew you shouldn't blame yourself. But you were angry that you let things get out of hand and it got to this point.

You were used to the interviewers, the inappropriate questions, and people shouting at you.

But this was a new low.

You were just happy to have Mick by your side.

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