Pregnancy Blues - Short /Lando Norris x Reader/

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Summary: You got your first ultrasound.


Lando blamed everyone and himself for having to skip today's appointment.

If it wasn't for his practice, he would have gone with you.

But he couldn't be there.

Yet every second he took to check his phone.

He saw texts from you.

Hi Lando, we are going to the appointment now. Love you.

We are here. Waiting for the doctor now.

I'm going in, wish us luck.

And nothing after that. It was the last text and nothing came after that.

It had been an hour since and Lando started to get worried, but then his phone buzzed.

Finally out. I have big news! GREAT NEWS!

And then, a photo was sent.

You were holding a photo but not just any, it was an ultrasound. Your fingers were showing him a peace sign.

Lando took his time to look at the photo.

Then Oscar came into the room and Lando showed him the photo.

"Oh Mate! Congrats! Twins! How amazing!"

"T-Twins? What?"

"Yeah, she is showing two and it says on the top there, Baby 1 and Baby 2."

"Two?" Lando felt like he was dreaming.

"Y-Yeah." Said a rather unsure Oscar as he pointed at the photo. "Two."

Lando felt as if his world was spinning.

"I-I need a moment," Lando said as he stood up and left the room, going out to the bathroom to make a call.

The phone rang twice before you picked up.

"Lando, hi."

"Love, tell me it's all just a joke. Two? Really two?"

"That's what the doctor said! Isn't this exciting? How long did it take for you to get it?"

"Oscar realised it." He heard you laugh.

"Of course, he did. And? Are you happy?"

"I think I'm more shocked than anything. But I am happy."

"The doctor said they don't know the genders just yet but they believe they might be a girl and a boy. So, both of us might be right." Lando recalled the time you both had a small argument about the gender of the baby.

He laughed a little. "I love you. All three of you." Lando said.

"We know and we love you too, now get back to practice." You said as you soon ended the call.

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