Gone with the Rain /Lando Norris x Reader/

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Summary: He just wanted to go on a cute date with you, it wasn't meant to end up in disaster.


When Lando said he wanted to take you out to a picnic, you were very excited.

It had been ages since you went.

You had been dating Lando for only six months now, so your relationship was still relatively new.

But you liked him to bits.

He was so sweet and caring.

He even prepared a basket! A BASKET!

How cute is that?!

He had a nice big blanket and a basket, you were over the moon.

And the forest he took you to was very quiet and private. You loved it!

You took so many photos on your walk from the car to the field.

Your boyfriend couldn't help but laugh at you, his laugh making you smile even more.

You helped him place the blanket down before you finally had the chance to sit down and enjoy the sun.

"This is so nice." you said as you opened your eyes and looked at Lando who was now elbow-deep in the basket. He pulled out a couple of sandwiches, he handed you one. "You made these?" you asked.

"Of course." his smile was contagious.

"Thank you."

You enjoyed the sun and the food he prepared, but mother nature had different ideas.

You only took a couple of bites when you felt the small drops of rain, you looked up at the sky and noticed the grey clouds.

"We should probably go." you said and Lando agreed, both of you quickly picked up your blanket and basket and began walking back to the car.

However, again, fate had other ideas.

The rain came down quickly.

It was so harsh you two had to stop under a big tree for cover.

"We can wait it out." you said as you leaned against the tree. Small drops of rain still managed to get through the leaves and you looked up with a smile.

"I'm sorry." you looked at Lando. "Our date is ruined. I should have looked at the forecast... This is my fault."

"Don't be silly. I really enjoy the rain. I enjoyed the picnic as well." you smiled at him before you saw a flash of lightning out of the corner of your eye. Then came the loud thunder.

It seemed you both realised that the tree you were under was not going to be a good long-term hiding place.

"I saw a building on our way here." he said as he looked in the direction and indeed, he noticed a small abandoned building, it used to be a food place it looked like.

You gave one nod to Lando who grabbed your hand and both of you ran towards the building.

You took cover under the porch, it was in bad shape, and you couldn't see anyone anywhere.

The roof had a couple of holes in it, allowing the rain to trickle down a little onto you. But you two managed to find a corner which didn't allow the rain to get onto you more than you were already soaked.

You leaned against the wall of the building while you watched the water run down the roof and trinkle to the floor.

You failed to notice how Lando was looking at you.

More specifically at your lips.

And as you softly smiled and turned to look at him, he lost control.

Gently he pushed further into the wall as he leaned in. You were so caught off guard, that you pulled back slowly.

But as soon as his lips met yours, you calmed down.

You let your hands move to his hair as you played with the strands while his lips and tongue explored yours.

He was undeniably a good kisser.

And when one of his hands moved to your waist and pulled you closer to him, you let out a gasp into his mouth.

He giggled at your reaction and pulled back.

"You should bring me to more picnics," you said after a moment of silence and finally opened your eyes to look at him.

He had a soft smile and his eyes were still closed.

You pulled on the back of his neck and kissed him once again.

He didn't object one bit, he let you take the lead.

You could smell the rain and him.

Nothing else mattered in the moment only his lips on yours.

But soon, the rain and the cold caught up to you and you shivered.

He must have felt it because he quickly pulled back and handed you his sweater.

The rain started to calm down a little, sadly.

"Let's go to mine?" he asked and you nodded.

"Can we get food? Your sandwiches are... ruined." you said as you pointed at the wet basket.

Lando had a quick glance.

"O-Oh, yeah. Let's eat and..." he glanced down at your lips for a quick moment and you smirked.

"Yeah, we can kiss some more after, but I am hungry." his eyes snapped back at your face before he laughed and grabbed your hand once more.

Both of you quickly ran to his car and then headed back to his place.

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