Blind-Date (Lando Norris x Reader)

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Summary: You go on a date which doesn't go as planned.


The asshole was late.

Your friend said that your blind date for tonight was an okay guy, when she set your date up. She never mentioned he was such an asshole.

He was now 20 minutes late and you felt like a fool.

Waiting for this man must not worth it.

And it really didn't.

Another 30 minutes passed, and he finally arrived. Jake, was his name.

And he was an absolute dick.

He was constantly on his phone and when he wasn't he was making mean comments about you.

You were about to tell the asshole off when someone stopped beside you two.

"Sorry, Mate." you looked up at the man. A very handsome man indeed. "She's mine." he simply said as if it was the easiest thing.

"What do you mean? She is your girl? Lucky you... she is boring af, Mate."

You saw the stranger's fist clench as if he was getting ready to hit Jake in the face and you wouldn't blame him.

"Thank you for tonight, Jake, but you and your limp cock can bother someone else from now on." you said.

Jake couldn't say a word, you were quick on your feet, and with your bag in one hand, you followed the handsome stranger.

"What a dick!" you said as your saviour stopped in front of you. "Thank you very much. I was about to blow his head off."

"So was I." he admitted and you gave him a smile.

"Thank you." you turned to leave when he made a noise and spoke up.

"Oh, I'm Lando, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Hi Lando, my name is Y/N." he raised his hand and you took it, but instead of shaking it, he placed a kiss on your knuckles.

Wow, well this was different.

"So, since you are mine, how about a drink?"

"I like the sound of that." you smiled as he held your hand and walked away with you.

It was crazy to think how your relationship started.

He saved you back then, and then many times after.

Lando Norris truly became the center of your world.

And as you cheered along with the team, happy to see him on yet another podium, you were reminded just how much you loved him.

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