Daniel Ricciardo as Your Boyfriend

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He would not hide his interest in you

He would be very forward and honest about his feelings

He would ask you out on a date with no hesitation

And who would say no?

Your first date would be a simple dinner date

But he would try to impress you

So, the simple dinner would turn into a dinner at a very fancy restaurant

He would ask you to be his girlfriend on your second date

He invited you over to his home, and he would cook you something delicious

It would be very sweet and romantic

So you would agree to be his girlfriend immediately

He would absolutely be the sweetest person to date

Prepare for it

He would be a very thoughtful boyfriend

He would take really good care of you

He would notice immediately if something was wrong

And would do everything in his power to help you and make you smile

He likes to surprise you with small things

Flowers, chocolate

So, you are his number 1 fan

Supporting him and going to as many of his races as you can

You would be there for his frustrating moments

Just give him a hug and some words of reassurance and he will feel a lot better immediately

He wouldn't try to impress you with crazy-expensive gifts

He believes that if it comes from the heart, it is enough

Occasionally he would still buy designer things

He doesn't need to be reassured that you are with him for him not for his money, he knows it very well

His love language is physical love

Showing you his love with kisses and sweet touches

He would cuddle you and hold you in his arms at all times

If you tell him just how proud of him you are, he might tear up but then he would play it off with a joke

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