Twisted Anger /Daniel Ricciardo x Reader/

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Summary: A silly argument and a friend's wedding can only end well.


You weren't even sure anymore what the argument was about.

Was it his busy schedule? Was it your jealousy because he was constantly surrounded by babes? Was it the fact that he never cleaned up in the kitchen after himself?

You weren't sure anymore.

But you were angry.

Even as you stood by your best friend at the altar. Even as you felt his gaze burning into the back of your head.

You needed to focus.

This wasn't your time.

It was hers.

Her dress was perfect, and you made sure the groom wouldn't run off.

You busied yourself all morning with the wedding just so your thoughts wouldn't fill with Daniel.

It was difficult, because every quiet moment, your mind wandered.

Not only to the argument, but just him.

The years you two spent together, it felt silly to let all that go just because of some unwashed dishes.

But all he had to do was put them into the dishwasher.

Silly argument, which made you storm out of your apartment and made you pretend you didn't know him as he sat on the bench of the church while you stood in the front.

You recognized how silly it was.

But you also couldn't help it.

All things came crashing down on you. He was under a lot of pressure to prove himself with his new team, he didn't need your nagging.

It hasn't even been a day, yet you felt bad and angry still. You missed him when you turned and took a glance at his face, you just wanted to smack him.

It was difficult.

But you knew you loved him more than an argument.

You will talk with him, but for now, you focused on being there for your friend for her big day.

At least it kept you occupied.


Perhaps your third shot wasn't the best idea. But you felt like you needed it.

Daniel was sitting beside you all night and you swore you could cut the tension with a butter knife.

You tried your best to ignore it, for your friend.

But now you felt lightheaded, you needed fresh air. The music also didn't help, so, you excused yourself from the table.

You walked a bit further from the venue. You found a bench and sat down.

You took deep breaths and closed your eyes.

You felt the alcohol running through you.

As you opened your eyes you saw Daniel standing close to you.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. No."

"You must be drunk, I saw how much you had."

"I'm about to be."

"Before you do... can we talk? You avoided me all day."

"This is my best friend's wedding. She doesn't need my drama today."


He didn't know what to say, and you started to really feel the alcohol, which made it extremely difficult to not say a thing.

"You know... I'm not even sure why we argued yesterday." you confessed as you looked at your high heels, your feet hurt, but your heart hurt more.

"You were right, I should help around the house more." he sat down next to you.

"Nah. You do all the... famous person shit. You are a 'high performance athlete' I should be able to handle a couple of unwashed plates. BUT we have a dishwasher for a reason. At least put them in there... please."

You saw him nod his head when you stood up.

You took two steps when you collapsed and let out a hiss.

You held your ankle.

"Oh shit, Babe are you okay?! Don't move it, let me see."

You watched him as he carefully looked at your ankle. You kept staring and now, you couldn't blame the alcohol.

You loved him.

You loved him so much.

As he slowly moved your shoe off your foot, he was so gentle. It made you smile.

"Does this hurt?" he asked but you didn't hear him. You were too busy looking at his gorgeous face.

When you didn't reply he looked at your face, and seeing that you were smiling he let out a huff.

"I was worried and you are not even hurt."

Yeah, you might have faked it for his reaction, but it was worth it.

"You look sexy when you are worried." you said as you moved and grabbed him by the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

You knew you couldn't promise that you wouldn't argue anymore, it was unrealistic.

But you knew you would always kiss and make up.

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