Green Tinted Dark Eyes /Oscar Piastri x Reader/

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Summary: Perhaps attending a party with Oscar wasn't a good idea. Or was it?


Jealousy never looked sexier.

Oscar has always been a quiet guy.

He extremely rarely raised his voice.

He was always a very kind person, and you have never seen him so angry before.

But again, it wasn't truly anger.

It was rage mixed with jealousy.

All thanks to a guy named Dean, who kept on flirting with you.

A reserved driver for the Alfa Romeo team, Dean was not even close to Oscar, and yet, as Oscar watched Dean put his hand on your knee for the second time, he was ready to punch the life out of him.

Dean already had a couple of drinks and shots so it wasn't a surprise for you.

Seeing Oscar like this did turn you on.

Seeing the anger and dilated pupils, seeing how his hand clenched, making his veins visible. And then the way he clenched his jaw... oh boy that was possibly the sexiest.

But as much as you enjoyed seeing your boyfriend so jealous, you decided to spare him.

Dean didn't even notice when you stood up and walked over to sit next to Oscar.

Dean was too busy telling a story to everyone.

You leaned over and whispered into his ear.

"You look very sexy." and he truly did, not only the jealousy but the dark blue shirt he had on, the long sleeves pulled up until his elbow, you had the urge to bite his soft skin, but you rather not. Not with people around at least.

Maybe later...

For now, you just enjoyed the way he looked at you like a lost puppy, happy to see his owner back.

He smiled at you and placed his hand on your thigh.

He was now a lot more calm, but you could still see the way he was looking at Dean, as soon as Dean stood up, so did Oscar. He pulled you with him over to the bar as Dean failed to follow you given his drunken state.

"You are very sexy when you are jealous." you said as Oscar sat down next to you on the stool.

"He kept on touching you."

"He's drunk."

"You told him to stop."

"I did. He didn't listen, I left."

"Why did you sit next to him in the first place?"

"You wanted tot didn't listen, I left."

"Why did you sit next to him in the first place?"

"You wanted to sit wil Lando, it was the only place left. And I can handle a drunk guy."

"I know you can handle yourself. You could have sat in my lap."

"I'm not playing token girlfriend, Oscar."

"Just... Next time sit with me."

"I will don't worry."

"I nearly punched him."

"I saw. As I said, you looked sexy."

"You got turned on while I nearly went blind with anger..." he said as he let out a huff and asked the bartender for two drinks.

"But you do know I wouldn't never choose anyone else right?"

"Of course." he said and you offered him a reassuring smile.

"Good. Then I will do that thing you like so much later when we get back to our room."

"Oh? With your tongue?"

"Exactly." he smiled back at you.

You always found it incredible how he was so shy and quiet and yet with you he was always so open.

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