Sing with Me /Fernando Alonso x Reader/

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Summary: You have a particular liking for an ABBA song.


For as long as you two have been married, he knew you had a love for music.

Even when you were only dating, you would dance around the house, singing your 80s classics all day.

And he loved it.

He loved you.

One particular song seemed to have caught your attention as of late.

A particular ABBA song with an interesting title.

Although one can say you are a huge ABBA fan, the song, Fernando, is your favourite.

It is not only a very catchy song, but the man named in the song has the same name as your husband.

It was meant to be, you thought.

Your husband often found you making dinner while singing songs, and when a particular song came up, you gave him a solo performance.

"You know this song is about two old freedom fighters from the Mexican Revolution, right? Not about me." he said as he watched you sway now with a pout on your lips.

"Ruining my fun." you murmured as you continued to cook.

But then suddenly the music restarted, and your husband moved closer to you, grabbing you by the waist, turning you around as he quietly sang and swayed with you.

You smiled as you moved your arms around his neck.

"There was something in the air that night

The stars were bright, Fernando" he sang along the song and you soon joined.

You two just slowly danced and sang as the song played in the background.

Oh just how amazing it was to be in love with him.

His smile was contagious, and his eyes shined with love and care.

Much like yours.

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