Only Us /Daniel Ricciardo x Reader/

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Warnings: Car crash, injury, broken bones description of possible open fracture

Summary: A simple race, a not so simple crash.


You were excited to see Daniel back on the track, his new contract with the Alpha Tauri team was a good sign.

You were very happy for him.

He wasn't home when the call came.

The person calling from the hospital explained one of his greatest fears over the phone, you were in an accident.

It was late, he should have been home, but as soon as he got the call, he got his keys and left.

"Mr Ricciardo?"

"Yes, who is this?" he asked the woman on the other end of the line.

"My name is Janet Frank calling from St Vincent's Hospital: Emergency Room, you are listed as the emergency contact for Miss Y/L/N."

"What happened?"

"She was involved in a car accident. She is currently in surgery, but the police here would like to talk to you." Daniel felt his stomach drop.

"I-I will be right there!"

He arrived about thirty minutes later, out of breath as he ran to the front desk.

"I'm here for Miss Y/L/N."

"To your right down the hall, take a right, you will see the police there."

"Thank you." he said before he started to walk fast towards the direction he was told.

As he took a right he saw two policemen standing there.

"I'm Miss Y/L/N's boyfriend." he told the two officers.

"Mr Ricciardo?" one asked and Daniel nodded. "My name is Sergeant Dwight, this is my partner, Sergeant Dennis. Your girlfriend was in a car accident this early afternoon. A drunk driver rear-ended her, pushed her onto incoming traffic and she was T-boned. She was conscious when we arrived on the scene."

Daniel thanked the officers and soon rushed to your doctor who explained that you were okay, they needed to do a surgery on your knee because it got broken and trapped. Other than that, you were alright considering the circumstances.

Soon, you were out of surgery and in a room, waking up.

You immediately noticed Daniel by your side, smiling at you as he held your hand, he said something but you couldn't hear him.

"Don't move too much." he said as you groaned in pain when you tried to sit up. "You had a knee surgery."

"Oh, yeah, I remember. I looked at it in the car and saw the blood and I think my bone was also sticking out."

"Thank you for the visual." he made a face and you smiled a little.

"I'm alright though." he nodded acknowledging that you were indeed, still alive. Your voice did calm him.

"I nearly fell on poor Yuki when I got the call, he had to jump out of the way." you laughed a little.

"I'm so high on painkillers right now." you smiled and Daniel laughed, seeing your expression.

"I'm so glad you are alive."

"Yeah, but you will have to nurse me, doctor said I can't walk for months."

"I am okay with that. At least you won't leave my sight."

"I'm okay with that." you smiled as he laughed a little. He touched your face, his expression turned serious as he looked at you, you could see the weight from his shoulders falling off.

You knew how he was, all smiles as if he had no worries and yet, on the inside he worried all the time. Over his family, over himself and over you.

It was natural to him.

You could only imagine how much it hurt him to see you in a hospital bed with a fucked up knee.

"You couldn't have done anything different." you said, trying to reassure him. "Even if you drove me, we would both be now on a bed, and you had important meetings. It wasn't your fault."

"I still feel like as if I could have done something." he said as he looked into your eyes.

"You couldn't have. It wasn't our fault. What's important is that we are both here, alive and happy."

"You are right." he let out a long sigh.

You pulled his arm and he moved closer to give you a kiss.

Nothing mattered but the two of you.

You will deal with your knee, you will deal with getting a new car, you will deal with getting the other driver the time they deserve.

For now, it was only you two.

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