CH 1

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"It's okay. You're okay. You're safe here." The beautiful man that looked to be of Asian descent said in a gentle voice to me. "Are you warm enough?"

I nodded, pulling the blanket tighter around my body.

He smiled a small smile and it made him look even more handsome. "As soon as the storm passes, we can leave." He turned to look outside before looking back at me. "But, it may be a few days."

I knew that. I also knew I took a chance coming here. But I didn't have a choice. I literally had nowhere else to go.

"I lived here most of my life and I've never seen a blizzard this bad." He stood up from where he was stirring the fire. "Let me go get some more wood and then, I'll get dinner on. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thank you." I was in pain but I wasn't going to complain.

Something told me he knew I was in pain too but he didn't comment on it. He just nodded, "Just holler if you need anything." He said before going to the front door.

He put his coat on before grabbing the rifle that was near the door. He turned back to look at me. "You're safe here." He repeated it again, almost like he had to for my benefit.

I just nodded.

He held my eyes. His beautiful grey eyes. He looked like he could have been in his mid-thirties. Whatever he did for work, he kept in shape. He was tall, probably, 6'2 or 6'3.

He had jet black hair that was cut to frame his handsome face and kind eyes. They were alert though. As if he had seen his fair share of trouble. But, they were kind and gentle every time he looked at me.

I turned back to the fire, wanting to kick myself. I had barely gotten away. Now, I couldn't even go anywhere. I just hoped the man who had taken me in wasn't a mad man, like the man I had escaped from.

My feet were literally torn because of the broken glass I had stepped in while I was getting away. The rest of my body wasn't any better. How I managed to survive the few days in the woods by myself was a miracle.

I just happened on his place. There wasn't anyone else around for miles and miles. It was the middle of the night when I stumbled onto his snow covered driveway.

His dog, Henry found me. Otherwise, I probably would have died of frostbite. I slept for three solid days before I woke up. Today, was the fourth. He had tended to my wounds and cleaned me up.

The cabin he was living in was one big room with a separate room for the bathroom. It was beautiful and clean. The entire place felt warm, like a home. But, why was a man as beautiful as him living out in the woods by himself?

By the look of things, it looked like he had been there for months. Not too mention, the endless supplies he had. He had been kind, but I was still on my guard. I didn't know him. At this point, I couldn't trust anyone.

Sometime later, I felt someone gently nudging me awake. I slowly opened my eyes, my body disagreeing.

"Hey, sleepy head." He said gently. "Dinners ready. I can bring it in here on a tray for you?" He offered.

I shook my head no. He had put me in a huge arm chair that had an ottoman. It was comfortable but looked very worn.

"You should keep your feet elevated so your wounds can heal." He stood up. "Just sit tight. I'll be right back."

It wasn't like I could argue with him. He had taken me in out of the kindness of his heart...or maybe he had a motive? If he did, he hadn't done anything to me. In fact, he had been extremely respectful with keeping his distance but still being kind.

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