CH 23

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I told Xavier I couldn't have lunch with him. I needed some space to think. So, I called my best friend Chloe up.

She worked as a VP for some big shot marketing company. We were both strong and independent. Life didn't give us a choice and it was why we worked so well together.

"Do you think I'm being unreasonable?" I asked her.

We were at an outdoor cafe having lunch. Micah wanted to join us but I didn't want to have this conversation in front of him.

"Yes, I do." She took a drink from her ice tea. "Xavier loves you, Charlie. Why are you fighting him so hard on things?"

"You know why."

"Have you told him?" She asked.

I sighed before looking at my phone. We were playing an online chess game. I loved playing games with him. I loved doing things with him. I loved being around him.

"Yeah....before at the beginning." I made my move in our chess game.

He was winning and he was taking his time. I smiled slightly. We were both good and he was a very good competitor. "And, what did he say?"

I put my phone down. "I don't know. That I shouldn't worry."

"You shouldn't, babe. He loves you. He learned ASL in months just so he could talk to Bailey. I mean, she lives with you guys and he doesn't mind. He'd do anything for you. Why are you pushing him away?"

"You know why too, Chloe." I mumbled before taking a big bite of my salad. I was protecting myself. Xavier was perfect. I was scared it wasn't going to last. I was scared he'd get tired of me and just leave.

"Stop sabotaging your relationship with him. He doesn't need strong, independent Charlie. Bailey needs it. When you're at work, yes. But you need to just let go when you're with him. It's okay to yield to him. He's a man. You know how dramatic they can be."

I smiled. "Do you love him?"

"You know I do." I was madly in love with him. "He ask me to marry him."

"Good. He's good for you. You just need to yield. You don't need to fight him on everything." She said.

I thought about that before asking, "You know he doesn't like Micah."

"Micah's in love with you. I'm not surprised he doesn't like him." Chloe said before her phone buzzed.

Sometimes Xavier and her were very much alike. "It's Nolan. He wants to take me out tonight. One second." She was smiling. It was amazing to me, but my best friend was falling for Xaviers best friend.

I didn't dislike Nolan. He was just not who I'd pegged for my best friend. He was a good guy, just could be rough around the edges a lot. Xavier was a lot more chilled, calm and reasonable.

He was gentle and I needed that. I needed the calmness and the space he gave me. I looked at my phone, thinking about him. I knew Chloe was right. I wasn't being fair to him.

"Can I come by your office right now?" I shot him a message in the chat of the chess game we were playing.

"Of course. Are you okay?"

"I'm good. I just miss you. I'll be by in half an hour." I messaged him.

"I miss you too, baby."

I smiled. I loved him. I wanted to be with him. I just needed to start acting like it.


"What's wrong?" He stroked my face asking.

I was sitting in his lap while we sat in his desk chair. I was glad he had his own office. It meant we always got privacy whenever I needed to see him at work.

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