CH 20

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I didn't like her partner. He was the typical version of white male privilege, the whole world owes me something attitude. I couldn't believe that was who Micah was.

"Would you stop being dramatic." Nolan said, before handing me a green tea. "They're just partners. It's not like that's her ex or something."

"The guy was a jerk, Nolan. He made you seem tame."

Nolan gave me a look of surprise before saying, "Maybe you should be worried."

I rolled my eyes before putting my car in park. We were at my dads private practice that he owned. Yes, I still went to my father for advice.

I was seriously annoyed. I didn't like her partner. I didn't want Charlie spending eight plus hours with him everyday. I needed advice and I didn't want it from my friends.

"My concern is legitimate. He didn't even act-" I was trying to find the right word. The way he greeted her after being gone a year was weird. I didn't like it and I didn't like how rude he was with me. "I don't know. Something was just off about him."

Nolan nodded, "All right, well that's why we're here. Maybe uncle Kai can help you calm down."

Talking to my dad always helped me. "Yeah, let's go. I promised Charlie I'd meet them for lunch." I said before exiting my car. "Which you aren't coming with me by the way. Micahs already has his guard up. It'll be like Fort Knox if you come."

"I do have a way with people." My cousin joked.

"Not a good way." I corrected him as we walked into my fathers office.

It was a slow day for him, so I knew it'd be okay if I came by. "Hi, Marsha." I greeted the receptionist at the front. She had been with my dad since he started his own practice more than twenty years ago. They were around the same age and had become good friends. "My ba is in the back, right?"

She nodded. "He's expecting you. Good to see you boys." She smiled at me, "He told me about your lady friend. It seems that wedding bells are on the horizon."

I chuckled, "Yes, hopefully. Don't worry. I'll personally deliver the invite to you myself."

"You better." She turned to Nolan, "Now hold on young man." She was exactly like my father. Despite the fact that we were in our thirties, she'd always see us as teenagers. "Let's talk about why you haven't tied the knot yet."

"I'm still waiting on that special lady." Nolan said smoothly.

I left. I had my own problems. I didn't have time to worry about why my cousin wasn't married.

"Hey, ba." I knocked on his door before walking in.

"Come in, Xiao Bao. Close the door."

I went to him, giving him a hug. "How's your morning? Have you eaten?" I asked him pulling away.

"Yes, I ate. Getting ready for lunch in a few hours. Are you hungry?" He gestured for me to sit. "I'll pour you some tea."

I smiled, before pulling up my chair next to his. "No, I'm not hungry. I'm meeting Charlie and her partner for lunch."

He nodded, handing me a cup of tea. "Here, drink this. I just got this a few days ago."

I took a sip. "It's good. I like it."

"Good." My father sat back down. "I'll bring some of the tea leaves by your place this Saturday."


"So, what's bothering you?"

"I can't just stop by and see you, ba?"

He rolled his eyes, "No, Xiao Bao, you can't."

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