CH 30

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By the time we made it to John's house. He informed us there were several more hits. Five to be exact, including Castro Rivera. Someone was definitely cleaning house.

"We've put the other high officers in solitary confinement until we know whose doing this." He offered us all beers.

Xavier and Nolan took one. I wanted a clear head. I felt sick over what was happening.

I seriously thought we had finished this. Now someone was killing them so they wouldn't be exposed.

"Has anyone stepped forward with information?" I asked.

John shook his head. "I'm sure you know the code, Charlie. Castro only did it to protect his son. The others know it'll be smarter to keep their mouths shut, though I doubt that will help them. Whoever is behind the killings are bold. They didn't even try to make it look like suicide."

Good point.

Xavier reached for me, grabbing my hand, pulling me close to him. He gave me a reassuring smile.

I knew what his smile meant. He didn't want me worrying. He was so sweet.

We got the information we needed from John before leaving. Nolan went by his place to pack a bag to bring to our place because he knew this was going to take all night.

"If you want to take a nap, you can, baby." Xavier told me the moment we entered our condo.

Henry greeted us, barking and wagging his tail. We had taken him out earlier. I'm sure he needed to go again.

"I'm okay. Let's change and take him out while we're waiting on Nolan to get back."

"Okay," he scratched Henry behind his ears. "Come on, Henry." He patted his leg before he grabbed my hand, the three of us going to our bedroom.

Ten minutes later, Xavier and I were walking Henry around our block. It was nearly nine at night.

The moon was out and so were the stars. If we didn't have this case, I'd suggest we'd take a longer walk out because it was so beautiful tonight.

"Charlie," Xavier's arm was around me as we followed behind Henry. "Was it well known that Gino and you were an item? I mean, did a lot of their clients know."

I thought on that. "Gino didn't announce it but if you'd ask he'd tell you. We'd went everywhere together, so I'm sure people figured it out. Especially when there was a man around whom Gino perceived as a threat."

Xavier found this hilarious. He pulled me closer, kissing my head. "He never really had you." He stopped, leaning in to kiss me.

"No, he didn't." I agreed with him saying. "Why did you want to know?"

His eyes turned serious before he said, "Gino's never let a woman get close to him, until you, Charlie. What does a man do when he's in love with a woman?"

"Share all his dirty secrets with her. Though, you haven't shared any with me."

He chuckled, "Because I don't have any."

He didn't. My husband was as straightforward as they came.

"Okay, do you see where I'm going with this?" He asked.

I did. "He did share things with me. It was how I was able to get the evidence. But he never shared who was on the payroll. I'm pretty sure his father would have killed him if he did."

"Yes, but other people wouldn't know that."

"You mean whoever is behind these killings?"

He nodded, "I do. They don't know what he shared with you."

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