CH 24

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Xavier called me at ten in the morning. He wanted to meet up. "Charlie, we're in the middle of a case. I can't just take a break every time your needy boyfriend calls." Micah said, turning briefly to look at me before turning his eyes back to the road.

We were on our way to a crime scene. I worked the major crimes unit. A silent war had started since the Rivera's empire had fallen. Having Castro in prison just meant a rival crime family would pick up their loose ends.

I knew it would happen. Everyone at my precinct, FBI, DEA and whoever else, knew it. It was just a matter of time. Unfortunately that was just how it worked.

You take down one major crime boss, another one would just takes their place. It was like a never ending cycle. But, it didn't mean we could just rest. It just meant more work.

I shot him an annoyed look. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." I called Xavier. He answered on the first ring, which made me smile. "Hey, baby. I can meet you at that coffee shop on Rose Avenue."

"Okay, thanks. I'm sorry. I just need to see you." He sounded so adorable but I knew something was wrong. Whenever he'd want to meet in the middle of the morning, especially since we were having lunch together in a few hours, it was a clue something wasn't right with him.

"It's okay. You don't have to explain. I'll see you soon."

"I love you, Charlie."

"I love you, too." I said before hanging up.

Micah and I were both quiet for a few minutes. "Don't call him needy. We're in a relationship. He can see me whenever he needs too. That's how that works." I started, ending the silence.

"I don't need an education on relationships, Charlie." He grumbled. "I know exactly how they work."

I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for his attitude. "Are you going to take me there or do I need to call an Uber?"

"I'll take you there." He did a U-Turn at the next section.

"Listen, maybe we should-" we literally hadn't talked about that day we fought. "I don't know. Do we need a break from each other?"

His hand tightened on the wheel. "You mean like change partners?"

"Yes...I mean, this is uncomfortable, Micah. It has been uncomfortable since I came back. Every time I even mention Xavier-" he groaned in annoyance. "That's what I'm talking about. I can't even say his name without you getting irritated."

"Because you've changed since you've met him." He complained. "I just-" he sighed. "You're different. I feel like he put a wall between us."

"He didn't. I'm in love with him. Of course, I've changed. Love changes people. I don't know what to tell you."

"You've shut me out of your life." He stopped at a traffic light. "We used to hangout after work, Charlie. Now we don't. You even look at me differently. I thought we were friends. You're treating me more like an annoyance you have to put up with every day instead of your partner. I don't like it but I'm not ready to give up on our friendship. So, no, I don't want a break from you." He said before driving again.

I felt....uncomfortable. "Micah, this isn't up to you. If I feel like we need a break, than we're taking a break. You can't force me to stay if I want to leave."

He laughed, "Charlie, where are you going to go?"

I bit my lip. I mean he was right. Our precinct was political and very small town minded. I couldn't just not be his partner. People would question me...heavily.

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