CH 36

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Two days later...


It was time to at least put some of what had been going on behind us. The DEA's office was ready to strike a deal with Gino Rivera and put him in protective custody.

They had already started cleaning house with the list of names he had given them. It was going to be a very big and long project but at least things were moving in the right direction.

"Bunny," I kissed Charlie's neck, as I washed her front.

We were sitting in our bath tube, taking a bath. We had to leave in a few hours to meet Mason and his boss at the safe house for Gino.

"Xavier, I thought I said I didn't want you calling me that." She turned to look at me.

I cupped her face. "I have to admit. I like the name on you."

She laughed, "Think of something else to call me." She turned back around.

"All right." I was being overbearing. I knew it.

I was hard not to be jealous. I had never been with anyone long enough to experience what I was experiencing with Charlie. I wasn't even interested in being with anyone before Charlie.

"I'm sorry." I squeezed one of her breasts and she moaned.

I kissed her neck before I squeezed her other breast. "Xavier," she turned slightly, kissing me. "I love your hands on me, inside of me."

I kissed her back, moving my hand between her thighs to touch her. "Charlie, you're so beautiful and so precious to me." I nuzzled her nose. "So precious and so special."

She was smiling, cuddling closer to me if that was possible. "You're sweet, Xavier." She stroked my cheek. "I prefer you this way."

I knew she did. Sometimes Charlie needed me to be aggressive and take control. But more often, she needed me to be gentle with her. I didn't mind it. I'd be whatever she needed.

"I love you." I moved my hand to encircle her waist so I could hold her.

"I love you more." Her eyes held mine before she added, "I want you to meet my parents."

Oh. "But....I thought you haven't seen them in years?"

"I haven't but they need to know what they missed. They need to know that I met and married a wonderful man. And that we're going to have beautiful babies and they don't get to be apart of any of this because they weren't around when Bailey and I needed them to be."

I understood where she was coming from but...."Why don't we wait until I get you pregnant?" I was trying to hold off on meeting her parents. Charlie rarely mentioned them and I wasn't sure what type of head space she'd be in if we went to go see them.

"I thought we were waiting?" She asked, looking slightly confused.

"We are. As much as I want to see your belly swollen with our child, I want you to myself even more. I'm selfish like that."

She chuckled, "Yeah...I want that too with you, Xavier."

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page, Mrs.Li." I leaned back into her neck, kissing her.

Charlie shifted in my lap, holding my head to her neck. She loved having her neck loved on. In fact, she loved when I kissed on her entire body.

"I want to lay you on our bed." I lifted my head, looking at the clock we kept in our bathroom.

After I brought Charlie home with me, I put a wall clock in every room. I found myself constantly needing to be aware of the time because I always got lost when I was with her.

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