CH 38

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"You look good, Charlie." Micah said after I sat down at the table. He was already sitting down.

"Why did you try to break into our apartment yesterday?" I got right to the point, asking him.

Xavier was nearby. I had to force him not to come in with me. I wanted information and I knew I wouldn't get that if my husband was there.

He didn't even break a sweat. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"In case you didn't know, there are cameras all over the building. Even at our front door." I said.

He nodded, "I just wanted to see you. You weren't answering my calls and that psycho husband of yours wouldn't let me anywhere near you."

"For good reason, Micah. You've changed...considerably. I don't even know if we were ever really friends with the way you're behaving."

He scowled. "Don't Charlie. Stop questioning our friendship. Stop acting like it didn't mean anything to you."

It did. It hurt that we weren't friends anymore. "Just...just stop, okay?"

A look of hurt flashed in his eyes. "What's up? Tell me what's going on?" I asked.

He swallowed. "There's rumors that there are going to be a lot of changes. Would this have to do with Gino Rivera?"

"Yes, you know they had a ton of cops on their payroll."

"Where'd you get the list of names? From him?"

"Why are you asking?" I asked instead.

"Because if it's from him, how do you know you can trust it? What makes you think he's not just lying to save himself."

"I'm confused what any of this has to do with you, Micah. You aren't dirty so why would any of this matter?"

He didn't hesitate. "Inquiring minds want to know, Charlie."

I didn't say anything and he chuckled. "You really have changed and not in a good way." He got up, walking to me. "Get up. We need to finish this conversation someplace else."

"Why can't we finish it here?" I asked.

"I don't want to finish it here." He grabbed my arm, pulling me up.

Micah was bigger and stronger than me on a good day. He had never used that strength against me but now...

"Micah, stop it!" I tried to push him away and his grip just tightened.

"Charlie, for once in your life, you need to shut up and follow me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't than your husband isn't coming out of this alive." He leaned into my ear saying.

He pulled away, his eyes were hard and cold, "You didn't think I'd really come here to meet you by myself did you? I knew that controlling husband of yours wouldn't be too far behind."

"Xavier, what did you do to him?"

"Charlie, I'm offended. Why would I hurt another officer of the law?" He chuckled slightly, "Come outside."

I swallowed, "All right."

He led me out, keeping me close to him.

Xavier was waiting in our car nearby the cafe. When I looked in that direction, our car was gone.

"Where's Xavier?" I turned to Micah asking.

"I'll take you to him. I just want to finish this discussion in a quieter place." He led me to his car. "Get in." He held the passenger door opened.

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