CH 15

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I could see where Xavier got his looks from. His father was very handsome in an older man kinda way. He was in shape but he did have a slight stomach.

His hair was dark like Xaviers but there were grey hair near his sides. He was slightly shorter than Xavier but his presence was...intimidating.

"Baby, would you like some tea too?" Xavier surprised me by kissing my neck in front of his father.

I felt my face go hot. Didn't he just say to act like we weren't dating? Granted, his father had walked in with me sitting in his lap but still...

"I'm okay." I said.

He smiled softly at me before pulling up a chair to sit by my side. After sitting down, he took my hand in his.

His father looked between us, obviously...well, I wasn't sure. Xavier said his father didn't want him with anyone who wasn't Chinese. But...his father was being nice but...I don't know. I couldn't get a read on him.

Xaviers father cleared his throat, "I'm Dr.Kai Li by the way, but you can call me, Kai."

"Okay, thank you for helping me, Kai."

"You're welcome." He put on some latex gloves before taking one of my feet to place in his lap. "You did a decent job with the herb application, Xiao Bao." His father looked up at him, obviously proud. "It's good to know being a Fed hasn't stop that brain of yours from working."

"I'll always remember everything you taught me, ba."

Ba? I noticed he called his father that earlier. "What's Ba mean?" I asked.

"It's short for baba, Charlie. It just means father." He squeezed my hand.

"I'm surprised Xiao Bao hasn't taught you any of our language." Kai continued as he unwrapped my foot.

"Uh...well, we're kinda new." I said.

Kai stopped examining my feet before looking up at me. He stared at me for a long time before saying something to Xavier in Chinese. Xavier replied back in Chinese and his father seemed satisfied.

"You need to learn our language if you're going to be with my son. I don't want my grandkids not knowing their heritage or not being able to speak to their yeye." Kai calmly explained to me.

Xavier groaned in annoyance before he started rattling off Chinese to his father. His father ignored him and continued talking, "My son seems to think I'm naive." He stopped and our eyes met. "I'm just going to be blunt."

"When did you stop?" I didn't catch myself before I blurted that out.

Xavier found this hilarious and tried to hide his smile. His father chuckled. "Oh, you have spirit. That's good. All right, you're right. My son is obviously in love with you. He rarely dates and when he does, I never get to meet the girl. You are the first and I'm suspecting last female he intends on being with. We aren't particularly affectionate with people who aren't family and yet my son seems to be attached to your side."

Oh. "You seem like a nice young woman, so I'm going to try to be understanding because Xiao Bao isn't getting any younger and I want grandkids while I can still be a good yeye to them."

I looked at Xavier and his face was impassive. "So, how many kids do you want and I won't settle for you two having less than two."

"I...uh...I want kids and I agree with not having less than two." I answered honestly.

He nodded, "Good. Now that that's settled, let's handle the matter at hand. Xiao Bao, I'm going to need your assistance."

Xavier kissed my head before getting up, "Of course, ba." Then, he didn't surprise me when he went to kiss his fathers head, giving him a half hug. "Xiexie, ba." He said softly to his father.

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