CH 28

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"Charlie?" I heard Xavier grumble from the bed. "Where are you?"

It was nearly six in the evening. He slept solid for twelve hours. I didn't bother him since he had driven the whole way. I wanted him to sleep since I knew he was exhausted.

"Right here." I had cooked us dinner. It was keeping warm on the stove.

I climbed in next to him, kissing him. "What time is it?" He sat up, pulling me closer.

"Nearly six." I climbed in his lap, hugging him. He smelled good.

"Sorry. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was." He hugged me back, kissing my neck before pulling away. "Henry?" He whistled and Henry came trotting to the bed.

Xavier moved us closer to the edge before scratching him behind his ears. "Hey, boy."

Henry barked, wagging his tail. He climbed on the bed, moving to get to Xavier. He hugged his dog, rubbing his face and giving him a kiss. "Were you good for Charlie?" He asked him, and Henry whimpered, licking Xavier's face.

He smiled, "I'll take that as a yes." Then, he gently pushed him off the bed.  Xavier seriously didn't like him on furniture.

"I fed him and took him out." I said.

He turned to look at me. He wasn't happy. "Next time wake me before you take him out alone. This cabin is really off the grid, Charlie. I don't want you wondering around outside by yourself. It's not safe."

I was surprised by his reaction. "Xavier, I know the area around the cabin."

He shook his head, "It was winter when we were here last time. It's different in the summer. Just promise me you'll wake me next time."

"Yeah, okay." I pulled away from him and he climbed out the bed.

He looked back at me. He knew his reaction bothered me. "There are more wild animals out in the summer, Charlie. It really isn't safe."

"I said okay." I climbed out the bed and he caught my hand.

"Why are you upset?"

"I'm not."

He gave me a look, cupping my face.

I took his hand off my face before saying, "I was just trying to help. Henry's my dog too."

"I know." He kissed my forehead before putting his hand in mine. "I need to shower. You can keep me company."

I followed him into the bathroom. Xavier dropped my hand, going to the toilet, lifting the seat. I went to the shower, turning it on so it could warm up.

"How long have you had this cabin?" I walked back over to him asking.

"This was my parents cabin." He finished his business, flushing the toilet. "My dad and I would come out here when I was young. When I got older, Nolan, Jake and I would come out here to ski and snowboard."

I watched him wash his hands and he looked at me. "I'm sorry. Not for what I said but my delivery could have been better."

"Yes, it could have been." I smiled, lifting to kiss him.

He kissed me back before saying, "Thank you, for taking care of Henry." He kissed me again. "And me."

"You're welcome."

He cupped my face, "Will you shower with me?"

"You never have to ask that."

The next week went perfect. We had been alone before like this when we first met but it was different this time. We actually knew, love and trusted each other.

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