CH 16

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"You need to stay here, Nolan." I told my cousin at breakfast the next morning. "Charlie and I will go and speak to

"Fine by me." He said, which surprised me. My face must have said something because he added. "Don't give me that look."

"I just can't believe you're actually being agreeable." I told him.

Charlie and Jake laughed and my cousin rolled his eyes. "Everyone needs to stop acting like I'm such a jerk." Nolan said.

"Then, don't be a jerk." Jake said.

I chuckled, "Look after Henry, okay?"

Nolan's face got soft. "I already know to do that, right Henry?" He had just poured him some food in a dog bowl for him.

Henry barked, wagging his tail happily.

My cousin rubbed his fur before kissing his head. My dog was seriously spoiled with the amount of attention we all showered him with.

"After we talk to Mason, we need to tell John and your boss, Charlie. What's his name?"

"Brent Mack." Charlie said.

I walked over to the table she was sitting at with Jake, having breakfast.

"Do you trust him?" I asked her.

"I think I trust him." She answered.

I knew what she meant. The Rivera's influence was way too deep inside our so-called justice system.

"All right, we'll just have to roll with it." I told her. "We'll go see your sister afterwards, okay?"

She smiled and an emotion I hadn't seen before, passed her face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby."

An hour later, we left to go speak to Mason. He lived two hours from Jake. I was glad. It gave Charlie and I some time to be alone together.

"Tell me about your sister." We were sitting in typical Denver traffic, which meant it was going to take us even longer to get there. I reached to hold her hand in my lap.

"Bailey's.." she turned to smile at me. "She's really sweet. We're different. She's definitely more a damsel in distress and believes in all that fairytale romance."

"You don't?" I asked, a bit surprised. "Because you did just kinda fall into bed with me."

She hit my thigh and I smiled, "I'm teasing." I said, leaning over to kiss her.

"I'm so getting you back for that, Xiao Bao."

I smiled. I really was going to need to help her learn mandarin. "Baby, only my ba causes me that. Like, seriously. It's just weird hearing it from you."

She laughed before she leaned over, kissing me. "All right, you'll just be my Xavier."

"I am your, Xavier." I kissed her again. "No other woman has ever had this much of me, Charlie. It's because you're special."

Her eyes got soft. "Yeah, I feel the same way about you."

That made my heart squeeze. I didn't want her having past loves. I wanted to be the only man to hold that title.

"Is it weird if I asked you to marry me after this?"

"No because I'm not going anywhere." She squeezed my hand before adding, "And according to your father, we should have already started working on having his grandkids."

I chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "Thank you...for not freaking out when he said that."

"Why would I freak out? I want your babies, Xavier." She said with a straight face.

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