CH 25

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I found Charlie in our bedroom. Henry was in the bed with her and she was stroking his fur. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on top of any furniture. But Charlie and Bailey didn't exactly agree with me about that.

"Henry," I whistled. "Get down."

He whimpered, looking at Charlie. I couldn't believe how quickly he had accepted a new master. Charlie laughed, "Listen to Xavier. Get down, Henry." She kissed his head before gently pushing him off.

He went to me, whimpering with his head low. "You know you can't be on the furniture, Henry." I scratched him behind his ear and he just whimpered, nudging my leg.

"He knows he's been a bad boy." Charlie said.

"Only with you Garrett women he seems to not obey me." I gently led him to the door. "I need to talk to Charlie. Go back in the kitchen."

He whimpered again and I rubbed his head. He barked before trotting off. I closed my bedroom door, locking it in the process. I didn't want to be interrupted.

"Hey, baby." I sat on my bed next to her before leaning down to kiss her neck. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," she smiled at me reaching for my hand. "Come lay with me."

I smiled before laying down next to her. "You barely talked since I picked you up earlier."

"Just thinking." She cuddled up to me, laying on my chest. "How long did you want our honeymoon to be?"

"A year." I moved my hand to caress her rear, squeezing her.

"Sounds like heaven."

"It would be, being with you." I moved my free hand to lift her face, our eyes meeting. "Though I feel like I'm in heaven already and we don't even have to go anywhere."

Her eyes got soft. "I love the way you treat me. You're so sweet, Xavier. You don't know how much I need that from you."

I kissed her. I was so in love with her. Everything she did, everything she would say to me...had an impact on me. "I'm glad you'll truly be mine tomorrow."

"Me too." She moved to kiss me again and I shifted us, laying her down on the bed before moving my body halfway on hers.

Charlie moaned, causing my insides to stir. I kissed my way to her neck, reaching to hold her hand. "You smell really good." I nuzzled her neck, lifting my face to look at her.

She grinned. "Tell me what's bothering you?" I asked again, gently.

She was quiet for awhile before saying, "I think our honeymoon should be a month. And, I think we should leave on Sunday to your cabin."

"Our cabin." I corrected her sitting up. "I thought we weren't going until next weekend to get things squared away at work."

"Who cares about work?" She sat up, cupping my face. "I just want to be with you, screw the rest of the world."

I mean...I agreed, but that wouldn't be the responsible thing to do. I had cases I had to wrap up before I left. "That sounds perfect but I can't until next weekend." I kissed her hand. "And, that'll give Bailey and you extra time to spend together before I whisk you away."

"Bailey doesn't mind. She really cares about you and she knows I'm safe with you."

That felt nice. I was glad she expressed that to Charlie. "Okay, well, I'm glad but babe, we can't until next weekend. I already cleared it with me boss. I'm sorry."

She shook her head before laying back down. "All right."

I just stared at her. "Charlie-"

"I'm fine." She pulled me back down. "Lay on top of me. I want to feel your weight on me."

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