CH 9

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"I'm going in to see my boss." It was the next morning and she had made us breakfast. "I won't tell him you're here. I'll feel the situation out first."


"Can you promise me you'll stay here?"


I nodded. The talk we had last night before bed, kept playing in my head. I knew she felt the same way. I could see it in the way she looked at me. It was different than when we first met.

There was love between us. I knew it was quick, but I also knew it was real. It had to be. "I won't be long and when I get back, we can plan our next steps."

She nodded before saying, "Can I-" she tucked a lock of lose curls behind her ear before saying, "What if the only option is to run? We both know how strong the Rivera's network is."

"I don't care how strong their network is, Charlie. If we run, we'll always be running. I don't want a life like that, do you?"

"Of course I don't."

I looked at her for a moment before asking, "Why haven't you mentioned going to see your friends or your family? It's like you don't have anyone."

"They knew I was going under. They aren't expecting me to be back."

"It doesn't bother you that you haven't seen them?"

I understood what being under entailed. I had done it several times throughout my years as a Federal agent. But, Charlie was acting so unaffected. That was bothering me. Did she not have anyone?

"They're safer if I don't see them right now. I just don't think about it." She looked down at her plate.

I waited before going to her. "It's okay to be sad about it." I told her.

"Yeah, I know." She pulled away, picking her plate up. "You should go. I want to know what's going on."

"Are you sure you're okay?" I stopped her from walking away. "Baby, come here and look at me while I'm talking to you."

"Xavier, I'm fine."

I cupped her face gently, feeling my heart stir. I just wanted to protect her. To protect her from anything or anyone that would hurt her. "You're not acting like you're fine."

"I am." She lifted, kissing me.

I kissed her back, before she pulled away. "Don't get upset but you still don't know me well enough yet. This is just how I act with things like this."

She was so detached emotionally. I wasn't sure if that was healthy. "Everyone processes things differently."

"Yeah, I know but you were almost killed. You're just not acting... I don't know...indifferent, causal about everything."

"Would you prefer it if I was crying all the time, unable to function." She shrugged, "I'm not going to apologize for not being a damsel in distress. I'm not that girl. I never was. If you want to know how I'm really feeling, I'm upset. I'm angry. I had been working eleven months on this case only to be betrayed and have it blow up in my face. I don't want to cry about it. I want to hurt someone because I'm angry, Xavier."

I nodded, "You should be." I pulled her back towards me. "I just want to know how you're feeling. I don't need you to be a damsel, Charlie. I just need you to be you and tell me things."

She waited a moment before she said, "You're such a girl."

I smiled slightly, "I'm normally not like this."

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