CH 6

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Charlie's feet were healing and the doctor said she should probably still wait another two weeks before trying to walk. I didn't mind that. It just meant she'd be with me longer.

Thankfully, my doctor knew me well enough not to ask questions about her wounds. I had a pretty good sense of what happened but I wanted her to tell me for herself. She still hadn't.

I knew eventually our living arrangements would end. I would have to go back and so would she. But for now, she was mine. Mine to care for. Mine to sleep next too. Mine to spend time with.



I wanted her.

Each passing day I was feeling this....need. A need to never let her go. I had never felt that with anyone.

Charlie was different. Charlie was special. She was mine. I wanted her to see that.

"Thank you. For everything." She said after she finished her last bite of chocolate cake.

She wasn't comfortable sitting in a restaurant in town. So we ordered food to go and I warmed it up once we were back. I didn't mind this either. Just the two of us and Henry. It was perfect.

"You're welcome." I was sitting next to her on the sofa.

Henry was fast asleep in his dog bed. I think the long day wore him out. "I'm glad you're feeling better and that you're feet are healing."

"Thanks to you."

I moved her plate, putting it on the table. I was losing my control with her. But, I was glad she wasn't pulling away.

"Are you cold?" I asked, reaching for the blanket next to me.

"A bit."

I was about to move the blanket around her before I thought twice. I pulled her in my lap instead. "Xavier, what-"

"Relax," I moved my arms around her. "Let me help you get warm."

"Okay." She smiled slightly. She was nervous, she was so adorably cute.

"Man, you're so cute." I kissed her cheek, nuzzling her face. "How could anyone hurt this face?"

She laughed and it warmed my heart. "I'm being serious, Charlie."

"I know." She smiled at me before she shifted in my lap. She straddled my waist. "I'm attracted to you too."

"I know."

She hit my chest and I smiled, catching her hand. "I'm teasing." I brought her hand to my mouth kissing each of her fingers. "Am I wearing you down?"

"No." She moved to hug me and I hugged her back. "Why do you think I never pull away from you?"

I moved my hand to the inside of her shirt, rubbing her back. "Tell me."

"I'm into you too." She whispered in my ear.

"I want to kiss you." I pulled her shirt down, kissing her shoulder.

"No ones stopping you." She lifted my head with both her hands. Her perfect hands. Her skin felt so soft and warm against my face.

I leaned in, waiting before my lips were pressed firmly against hers. My heart felt like it was going to burst. My entire body was on fire.

I growled against her mouth, pulling her closer. She! I loved the way her lips felt pressed against mine.

"Hang on." I held her tightly against my body, before standing up with her in my arms.

I walked us to the bed, gently laying her down. Then, I pulled away, taking my shirt off. She giggled before I climbed on my bed.

"You taste good." I said, before pressing my mouth back against hers.



We were just kissing and it was this intense. I had never felt so much from just a kiss. Like, he was lighting my whole world on fire.

At first, I thought we were both just lonely. But this was more. I really enjoyed being with him. I enjoyed sleeping next to him every night. I was....I knew this wasn't going to last.

I wasn't sure how he'd react when he found out who I really was and why I was even out there in the first place. But, I didn't want to think about that right now. I just wanted to enjoy this moment with him.

"I don't want you to go." He said, kissing my neck. He was laying halfway on me, my body tucked underneath his.

"I know. You keep saying that." I teased, lifting his face to look at him.

"And, I mean it every time I say it." He kissed me again before pulling away.

"Xavier, as nice as this has been, I can't stay out here with you, living off the grid. My life is back in Denver."

"I have a life back there too." He pulled away, sitting up.

I sat up too. "We need to be honest with each other."

"I agree." He held my gaze before saying, "You first."

I hit his arm and he smiled, "I'm joking." He pulled me back in his arms, setting me on his lap. "How are your feet?"

"Better." I moved my arms around him. "What are you really doing out here?"

I waited and he was...struggling. That couldn't be right. "You have to promise not to freak out or try to leave me." He said, squeezing my waist.

"I wouldn't do that unless you were a serial killer."

He didn't say anything. "I'm joking. I know you aren't deranged. Henry's way too happy and sweet for you to be a cruel person."

"Yeah, he didn't hide his feelings well for you."

"Neither did you, Mr. we need to sleep in the same bed to stay warm."

He chuckled, "I was right about that."

"Only until the generator was fixed, which you never told me."

"You never complained and I didn't want to ruin a good thing." He squeezed my waist again.

"I liked sleeping next to you." I told him.

"Good, because that isn't something I want to give up either." He kissed my forehead. "Wait here." He gently sat me down, climbing off the bed.

He went to the closet, stepping inside. At that moment, Henry woke up and he started growling, looking at the door. Xavier immediately stepped out of the closet with a gun in his hand.

"Don't move." He mouthed to me, going to turn off the lights.

The fire was still going though. Was someone outside?

Xavier went to the window. Henry followed him. I had never seen that dog look anything but happy. At this moment, he looked terrifying, like he was ready to kill.

Xavier walked towards me, leaning into the bed. "Someone's outside." He pulled away to look at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Henry doesn't just growl at other animals. He's trained to only do that with humans."

Oh. "Don't worry." His eyes relaxed. "Just stay here. Henry will keep you safe and I'll go have a look."

"But, what if there's more than one person?"

"I'll be fine." He cupped my face, "You're always safe with me. Remember that?"

"Xavier, you're just a man and-" he kissed me, shutting me up.

"Yeah, but I have a lot to lose; mainly, you, beautiful."

Goodness, he was being so sweet. He smiled at me before whistling. "Henry, keep her safe, okay?" He rubbed his fur before Henry took up a guard position next to the bed.

That dog was trained. "I'll be right back." Xavier said before he left the cabin.

We had been safe for weeks. Who could have possibly been outside? It wasn't like Xaviers cabin was on the main road.

He cabin was very much out of the way and I knew it was deliberate. Despite the fact I knew he was obviously hiding something, I still trusted him. At least, I wanted too.

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