CH 44

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"I want to come with you." Bailey signed. "I miss you, Charlie."

It was the next evening and we were hanging out at Xaviers father Kai's house. Nolan, Xavier and Kai cooked us traditional Chinese food and we were all lounging on his deck after dinner.

"You and I can do something when we get back." I signed to her. "Promise. This trip is just for Xavier and me."

She rolled her eyes, sitting back against her chair. Henry was laying his head in her lap.

"It's just you and me huh, Henry?" She signed to him.

He barked before licking her face. Then he settled his head back in her lap.

I smiled, "At least you aren't alone." I teased her.

She didn't appreciate that but there was a hint of a smile on her face.

"Why do I feel like you guys are talking about me?" Xavier signed before sitting down next to me.

"Because we are." Bailey signed. "I miss my sister and I want to spend time with her."

Xavier looked back at me. "We can wait to go so you two can spend a few days together."

I smiled, putting my arm through his. This was one reason why I loved him so much. He loved and cared about my sister as much as I did.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, of course I'm sure. I don't mind."

Bailey got our attention. "Why don't I just go camping with you guys?"

"Why don't we all go camping with you guys?" Jake suggested, taking a seat next to Bailey.

"I don't mind a few days as long as Charlie and I have our own room." Xavier said. "But it'll have to be somewhere other than our cabin."

Nolan, Chloe and Kai walked over to where we were sitting. "We just got back from a vacation." Kai said, giving us all a confused look.

"It wasn't by choice." Jake clarified.

Kai waved his hand dismissively. "You young people can go. I'm too old to be running around everywhere with you guys." He walked over to where Xavier was, kissing the top of his head. "I'm going to bed. Make sure everything is locked up before you guys go to sleep, Xiao Bao."

"We will, ba. Have a good rest." My husband pulled away from me to hug his father.

Xavier told me traditionally Chinese parents weren't as expressive in the affections department but Kai was different. If anything, my husband was very spoiled by his father.

"So where are we going?" Chloe asked. "And can we take a vote?"

"I vote Hawaii." Nolan said. "I think we could all use a break as far away from this place as possible."

Hawaii sounded nice. I had never been there. Well, more like I had never had enough money to go there.

"Wherever you want to go Charlie, I'm okay with it." Xavier got Baileys attention. "You and Charlie pick, okay?"

Bailey smiled, "Okay....did someone mention Hawaii?" She looked around asking.

"Nolan," I signed, having to hide my smile.

To Nolan's credit, he was really trying to learn ASL. He just wasn't picking it up as quickly as Xavier and Jake had.

"I've always wanted to go there. It's so romantic." Bailey signed before looking at Jake.

He moved his arm around her shoulder, signing so quickly I didn't even catch it. She giggled. Before cuddling against him.

"I'm okay with Hawaii." I told my husband.

"Hawaii it is then." Xavier said.

"When are we leaving?" Jake asked, "I vote tomorrow." He turned back to Bailey, smiling.

"Those two will be getting married very soon." Xavier whispered in my ear.

I smiled, I couldn't have agreed more.



I wanted to just go away with Charlie but I knew her sister missed her. The important thing was that we were going away.

I just wanted to whisk her away from all the drama that had gone down the past year.

"Hi," I closed the bedroom door we were staying in after Henry trotted in.

"Hi," Charlie smiled at me, looking so beautiful wearing only my tee shirt.

"You ready for bed, Henry?" She rubbed his fur while he jumped halfway on the bed.

"Henry," I whistled and he turned to me, whimpering. "You know my ba hates you on his furniture even more than me." I rubbed his head and he literally jumped on me, causing us both to fall to the ground.

Charlie started cracking up laughing and Henry started licking my face. "Okay, okay!" I gently pushed him off of me.

He barked before nudging his head against my chest. I hugged him and he wagged his tail happily.

"All right, bed, Henry." I gently pushed him away. "Go get your bed boy and bring it closer."

He barked before going to get the doggie bed that was sitting in the corner of the room.

"He loves you so much." Charlie teased.

"Yeah, I love him too." I climbed into bed next to my wife. "But I love you more."

"You should. I'm your wife." Charlie wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist.

"I love you." I kissed her, caressing her rear.

She moaned against my mouth. "I love you too." She kissed me back before pulling away.

Henry pulled his bed right next to ours before he settled in. "Henry had the right idea." Charlie teased.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted." I shuffled us both to the middle of the bed before we both fell to our sides.

"Thank you," she smiled at me. "For being so sweet and kind to Bailey."

"I love her like she's my own sister."

"I know you do and I really appreciate it, Xavier."

That made me smile. I pulled her closer, moving to lay on my back. Charlie laid on top of me, as I tightened my arms around her.

"Even though things have been crazy, I'm glad all the crazy led me to you, Xavier." She lifted her head, meeting my gaze. "You're the best thing to happen to me."

"You're the best thing to happen to me, Charlie."

I was close to my ba and she was close to her sister. But, what we felt for each other was different. It was something we both needed in our lives.

"I don't ever want to be apart from you." She reached fo cup my face.

"We won't." I promised her, I leaned down kissing her forehead. "We have so many good years ahead of us. It's just the beginning for us."

She smiled, before she lifting kissing me. I kissed her back before she settled back against me.

"Whatever we decide, we'll do it together." She lifted her head back up to look at me. "Not just this but with everything."

"I agree." I promised her. "Now go to sleep."

She cuddled against me and I held her tightly.

Meeting Charlie changed my life. I was glad because I couldn't have pictured my life to be as good as what being with her is.

I waited until I heard her breathing even out, indicating she was fast asleep. I closed my eyes. I didn't know what our future would be but as long as I had her, I didn't care what it was.

She was my forever. That much I was sure.

~~The End~~

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