CH 21

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"Charlie, I-" Micah tried to explain and I held up a hand stopping him.

"Don't!" I closed the door to the conference room.

We were back at work. I was seriously irritated with him. "What is your problem? Who do you think you are treating Xavier like that? He's my boyfriend, soon to be husband."

"You don't even know him." Micah said in an irritated voice. "And, what do you mean soon to be husband? It's only been a month since you've met him."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I was sick of him doing that. "It's been several months since we met and I don't need your permission to marry him, or date him, Micah."

He sighed, moving closer to me. "I care about you. We've been partners and friends for five years, Charlie. I'd like to think I'd mean more to you than what you're giving me credit for."

"Don't even go there. We are friends. I've told you this."

"We could be more." He said softly. "I know our age difference is a lot, but you need someone to take care of you. You didn't get that from your parents, Charlie." He took another step forward. "I don't understand how you can let someone so freely into your life that you barely even know."

"I know, Xavier." I took a step back. "You have no clue the nightmare Gino put me through and you didn't even ask."

"I read the report. Besides, I know you. You're not about to open up about something you aren't ready to share yet."

"That's not the point. I thought we were friends and you didn't even reach out to me."

He took a few steps back towards me. "Its because I know how private you are. I had no clue you were even back until the DEA stepped in. You can't fault me for that."

I was so annoyed with him right now. I seriously wasn't getting why he was acting the way he was. It was so not like him. "You know what, it doesn't even matter. We're co-workers, all right. I'm with Xavier and I'm not giving him up for anyone. I love him. You're my friend and I thought you'd be supportive."

Irritation flashed in his eyes before he said,  "I can't do this. I'm taking the rest of the day for myself. I'll see you tomorrow."

Then, he left.

What was wrong with men? Micah and I were partners. A year after we started working together, he had the bright idea that we should date.

I told him I wasn't interested in him in that way. He was obviously angry about it but we had moved passed it. Or so I thought we had.

I called Xavier an hour later to come get me. I had already spoken to my captain and got assigned new cases.

I could work on them from home the rest of the day. I just needed to take a step back because I was seriously annoyed with how Micah was behaving.

"Are you okay?" Xavier caught my hand after we entered his condo.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go take a quick shower and take my makeup off."

I loved how he didn't care if I was dolled up or not. I loved dressing nice but when I was at home, I definitely preferred comfort.

"Okay, come here." He pulled me in a hug. "You barely said anything since I picked you up." He pulled away cupping my face, "Did something happen after I took you back to the station?"

Yes, a lot. "It's nothing. I'm fine." I said.

He held my gaze before nodding, "Okay...I'll make you some tea. Go shower." He kissed my forehead before releasing me.

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