CH 33

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Of course even though Nolan thought Xaviers idea was crazy, he also thought it was probably our best chance of getting out of this.

"Just be careful." Nolan told us.

We had left Kai's office. Xaviers father wasn't happy about leaving his patients for a few weeks. In fact, I had never seen him so annoyed with Xavier before.

"We will. We just need a few days." My husband was more confident than I was about getting Gino to help us.

I had tried to kill him and Henry had bit him. I honestly doubted he was going to be happy to see me.

"You're father seems pissed." Nolan commented.

Xavier just nodded before saying, "Can you handle that for me?"

"I'll try, Xiao Bao."

My husband and I both chuckled. After Xavier and his father had finished, when they came out, he was calling my husband, Xavier. Which I had never seen him do. Ever. He was always Xiao Bao.

"Okay, well, we have to grab Henry and a change of clothes before we head there. Just keep your head down and remember not to let anyone know what we're doing. I'll call you once we get there, Nolan."

They did the bro hug before we left. I wanted this to work so I could move on with my life with my husband.

The bar that I would typically meet Gino at was called, The Gypsy. It was two hours south of where we lived.

It didn't open until ten and things didn't get started there until around midnight. It was better if we went after midnight. We could blend in and I could meet up with my contact there.

"Henry, do you want to go out?" Xavier held up his leash and Henry pushed his hand away with his nose before settling in his doggy bed.

We were at a hotel about twenty minutes from the bar. Thankfully, the hotel allowed pets inside the room. We were able to get a suite, which was good for Henry.

"He's always so tired after being on the road." I was on my knees next to my husband, rubbing Henry's head.

He whimpered at me before pulling back. "He wants us to leave him alone." Xavier said. "All right, boy. We'll let you sleep." He bent down, kissing his head. "I'll check on you before we go."

Henry yawned before turning his face away, and closing his eyes. Xavier waited a bit before we stood up. Honestly, I loved how sweet he was with him.

"It's only six, Charlie." Xavier took my hand in his, leading me to the bedroom. "We have a few hours before we need to leave. Are you hungry?"

"No." I wasn't. I was nervous and worried. This could go really south, very fast. There was also the chance that Gino wouldn't even be there.

He stopped, looking at me. "Don't worry, okay? Everything will work out." He kissed my forehead before saying, "Come on. Let's get cleaned up and I need to call my cousin."

We showered together and Xavier called, Nolan. By that time, Henry was whining for Xavier. He'd get in these weird moods where he would follow Xavier everywhere and want him to cuddle him.

I had called my sister and chatted with Chloe to keep an eye on her. I wasn't surprised, Bailey was still upset with me. It seemed that her and Kai had that in common.

When I came out of the bedroom, Henry was laying on the sofa with half his body in Xavier's lap. I was surprised because Xavier hated for him to be on the sofa.

Henry looked over at me when I walked in. He barked before climbing off the sofa. Then, he went to Xavier's other side, sitting on the ground before putting his head in his lap.

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