CH 11

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I didn't sleep. My mind was going over my last conversation with Charlie. What if Gino wasn't dead? I hadn't even thought about that until just now.

"Xavier?" Charlie grumbled, squeezing my hand.

We were laying on our sides. My arms were wrapped around her. Charlie was a heavy sleeper but she also tossed and turned all night. It was cute to watch. Wherever she would toss or turn, she'd pulled me with her.

I let her. I loved how she wanted me near her even while we slept. "Morning, baby." I kissed her cheek, nuzzling her there.

She yawned, squeezing my hand. "What time is it?" She opened her eyes.

I glanced at the clock on my wall. "Almost six."

She turned to look at me. "You're always so unnaturally awake in the mornings."

I smiled, Charlie wasn't a morning person. "Would you rather for me to be grumpy like you?"

"Yes." She turned, lifting to kiss me.

I kissed her back, pulling her closer. She pulled away first, moving to hug me. I hugged her back. "Were you needy like this with him every morning?" I was comparing. I couldn't help it and I knew I needed to stop. But, the more I thought about their relationship, the more irritated I became.

I didn't want anyone touching her, or kissing her, or hugging her, or her needing anyone but me.

She pulled away, sitting up. "Aren't you the jealous type?"

"I never thought of myself as being this way until you." I sat up too.

"So, this is my fault?"

"Yes," I leaned in, kissing her neck. "I don't want to share you, even with past boyfriends."

She cupped my face, "It was my job to get him to like me, to want me. It wasn't by choice."

"Doesn't matter. I'm still annoyed by it."

She found this funny. "I honestly don't know what to tell you."

I pulled her closer, "You can promise me, we'll be together forever." I cupped her face, stroking it. Was it too early to tell her I was in love with her? Would it freak her out?

She took my hand off her face, "You keep acting like I'm going somewhere. Stop it. It's annoying." She turned to get out of my bed.

I watched her for a beat before climbing out too. "What are your thoughts on marriage?" What was wrong with me? It was definitely too early to even mention that.

She stopped, turning around to look at me. Her hair was everywhere. Her carmel skin was flushed. She was still wearing my sweatshirt that looked like a dress on her. She looked good.

Every morning she woke up, looking disheveled because of her wild sleeping habits. And every morning, I found her looking more and more attractive. Was that even possible? To be even more attracted to someone the more time you spent with them.

"First off, I haven't even met any of your people yet, aside from your overly protective, extremely judgmental cousin. I haven't met your father. You haven't met my sister or my best friend. Or my partner, who is just as annoying as Nolan, thinking he's my big brother and that I need looking after-"

I sat back on my bed, holding my hand out to her. "Come here."

She crossed her arms, giving me a defiant look. "No, I wasn't finished speaking."

I smiled, getting up to walk to her. "You never told me you had a sister." I cupped her face saying.

"I haven't told you a lot of things."

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