CH 40

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I woke up in a lot of pain. The last thing I remembered was getting beaten by someone's fist.

Someone had jumped me, knocking me out. Prior to that, I was waiting in our car. I had wanted to go in with her, but she wouldn't let me.

Now I regretted that. Whoever took me, probably had taken her too and-

"You're finally awake, Xavier!" I heard my wife say.

I opened my eyes and she was near me. "I'm so glad you're finally awake. How do you feel?"

"Where-" I looked around, realizing we were in our bedroom. She was safe. How did we get back home? How did she find me? "Water." I mange to get out. My throat was so dry.

"Okay, I'll grab some."

Charlie left the room and I heard feet walking towards our bed. I knew it was Henry. He jumped on the bed, going right to lick my face.

I smiled. He was obviously happy to see me. "He's been whimpering around since I brought you home. He missed you." She climbed back in our bed with a water bottle in her hand. "I missed you too."

Despite the pain my body was in, I was relieved she was okay. She was safe. That's all I cared about.

Some time later, Charlie helped me get to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I was shocked when I saw my reflection. My face, my arms, my chest...I had bruising everywhere.

She told me what happened while she helped me bathe. We were sitting in the bathtub. Henry hadn't left my side. He was sitting near our bathtub.

"How long was I out?" I asked her.

"A few days." She was washing me. "Your wounds are a lot better than when I found you."

I turned to look at her. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, I'm okay." She smiled at me. She was so beautiful. "I'm really glad you're okay."

"I'm really glad you're okay." I leaned in kissing her.

Charlie had told me what Gino had did. I wasn't surprised. As much as I hated him, I knew he was still in love with her. Who wouldn't be?

"Has Gino tried to contact you?" I asked her, pulling away.

"No." She cupped my face, moving her fingers to caress my lips. "Why?"

"Just curious." I kissed her fingers.

She leaned back in, kissing me. "I miss you. I know we can't but I just wanted you to know."

"I miss you too." I smiled, feeling exhausted suddenly. "Charlie, I need to go back to bed."

She nodded, "Kyle did say the medication plus your injuries would make you tired." She stood up, "Let me grab you a towel. Stay right here."

She climbed out and Henry started whimpering, laying his head on the side of the bathtub. "Hey, boy. I'm okay." I rubbed his head and he barked, wagging his tail.

Charlie chuckled, "You're so cute, Henry." She rubbed him behind his ear and he whimpered, happily.

Our roles were reverse from when we first met. She was taking care of me now. "Charlie," I reached for her. "Thank you."

Her eyes got soft. "I love you." She squeezed my hand. "I'm really glad you're okay."

I was glad she was okay.



The next two weeks, Xavier spent most of his time in our bed, resting and healing from his injuries. Gino hadn't contacted me, neither had Micah.

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