CH 31

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I always knew when Xavier wasn't telling me the truth. He'd get this look in his eyes. I couldn't even explain it. I just knew.

When I walked out of our bathroom, he was pacing. He stopped when he saw me. We hadn't bothered getting dressed after we made love.

"I'm going to put on some panties." I told him.

"Don't." He walked towards me, leaning back in to kiss me. "I love you like this."

I smiled, "Okay." I kissed him back, moving my arms around his neck.

He lifted me up, carrying me back to our bed. I wanted to stay in this bubble with him. In fact, if he would have suggested we'd go back to his cabin until this thing blew over, I wouldn't even have fought him on it.

I was tired and sick of the Rivera's. I felt like I knew more about them, than my own parents.

"Xavier." He had me on my back, and he was on top of me, moving his hips against mine.

He felt good. He smelt good. He smelt like Xavier. Like, when we first met. I loved his scent.

"Charlie," he moaned before I felt him enter me.

"I thought we were going to cuddle." I teased him, pulling him deeper into me.

"We are cuddling." He leaned into my ear, licking me before he said softly, "This is how adult married people cuddle."

That made me laugh and I felt his lips curl in a smile, kissing me. Goodness, my husband felt good.

"I want to taste you again." I told him.

He kissed his way from my ear back to my mouth, before he stuck his tongue in my mouth. We made out with him inside me, moving so utterly slow, I felt like I was going to die of pleasure it felt so amazing.

By the time we finished, I wasn't tired anymore. I just wanted more of him.

"Can I ask you something?" I was stroking his handsome face, as we laid in bed, wrapped around each other.

"You can ask me anything, Charlie." He leaned into my touch, pulling me closer against his body, if that was even possible.

"Why did you lie to me? When I woke up, after you found me. You said I had been there three days but it was longer right?"

This was something I never asked him. I trusted Xavier. I knew he had his reasons but I wanted to know.

He laughed. Like that was funny. That annoyed me and I pushed his chest. That made him smile harder. He liked when I did that, I noticed. He was always saying it was cute.

"Xavier, stop laughing. I'm being serious." I sat up, looking down at him.

"I'm being serious too but it's kinda hard when your naked breasts are right in my face."

I moved to hit him again but he caught my hand, pulling me back down to lay on top of him. He held me down while I felt his free hand go between my thighs, touching me.

We both moaned. "You turn me on so much." He said softly in my ear before moving to kiss me.

I kissed him back, relaxing against his touch. "Xavier," I needed to focus. I moved his hand from between my thighs. "Seriously...answer me."

He waited before asking, "Why are you bringing this up now, Charlie? It's nearly been a year since we met."

"Because I'm making a point." I pulled away from him. "Why did you lie? Tell me. I want to know."

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