30. a shot in the dark

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina rubs the knot in her neck as she drives home. After turning down Max's invitation, Gina realized she didn't want to see her dad after what he did, so she found a place to park and slept in her car.

It's around 2:00 pm, so Gina decided to head home for a bit, change her clothes and whatnot. Perfect timing since her dad's at work.

She pulls into the driveway and turns the car off, getting out and going inside, the smell of cigarettes prompting a headache. As she walks by the phone, it rings.

"Yeah?" Gina says into the phone.

"Finally, Gina. I called you so many times and you didn't answer. I thought something happened to you."


"Anyways, we're going back to Reefer Rick's to give Eddie some food he wanted and I didn't know what he would want and I thought to myself, 'okay what would Gina do?' but then I realized you wouldn't get either, so I ended up getting both for him, is that okay?"

Gina nods her head as she listens to the rapid talking, not even having to question who's on the other end of the line.

"Is this the reason you called me?" Gina says, trying to figure out what code Robin's speaking in.

There is a few seconds of silence before Robin starts to talk again. "No, no not that, since we're going to Rick's in a bit, I need a ride and I need you to drive me there because Steve is being an asshole and won't drive me."

"Robin, you need to get a license."

"What good is a license if I have no car?"

"Fair point, I'll pick you up in a bit."

Gina smiles to herself as she hangs up the phone and goes into her room, picking an outfit from the clothes thrown onto the ground.

Walking out of the front door, Gina goes back to her car and pulls out of the driveway, heading to Robin's house.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "Delivery service!"

Eddie sighs as he disarms himself, throwing the bottle to the side.

Dustin gives the bags to Eddie, him pulling out a box of cereal as Gina and Stephanie give awkward waves, both girls feeling out of place.

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