22. i wanted her to look at me

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ The kids whip through the back hallways of the mall, Robin, Steve, and Gina all being dragged along by one another.

Dustin stops at a door and peeks his head out, looking left and right. He then ushers the four through the door, leading them into a movie theater playing Back to the Future. Dustin makes a beeline to the only open seats directly in the front.

"You three. Sit." Dustin orders them around like children.

Robin shakes her head as she sits down. "No, no, no, these seats are too close."

"Dude, these seats blow," Steve complains in a whisper yell.

"Then don't want the movie," Dustin whispers, getting louder which grabs the attention of some other people.

"We wanna watch it," Gina says, also getting louder.

"Then watch it!" Dustin yells, making two people behind them loudly shush them.

"Shh!" Robin and Gina return, turning around and giving the man a glare.

"Whatever you do," Dustin sighs, now in a quieter whisper. "Don't...go...anywhere."

"Fine, Dad," Steve mocked the boy, making Robin and Gina laugh, only to be quickly distracted by the popcorn Steve found in the trash cans.

Gina turns what was left of her attention to the movie, watching the DeLorean skid across the parking lot out of nowhere.

"What's happening?" Robin asks, clawing for more popcorn without taking her eyes off of the screen.

Steve shakes his head, also not taking his eyes off of the screen, "I have no idea."

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina coughs as water goes into her nose again. "That hurt," she says between coughs.

"Then why do you keep doing it?" Steve says, pushing Gina out of the way, saying something about taking turns.

" 'Cause I like the way it feels." Gina shrugs as she  slides her back down the wall into a sitting position.

Robin takes in a breath, "so, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but...I'm pretty sure...that mom was tryna bang her son."

Gina stares at the wall in thought.

"Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?" Steve asks, going back to the fountain.

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