34. don't pity me

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "Oh, God," Gina shudders, quickly trying to catch her breath as she feels a hand on her back. She turns to see Max, who is looking at Gina with wide and scared eyes.

Nobody says anything as Gina struggles to catch her breath. It feels like there's an invisible hand choking her that won't let go.

"I can't...breathe," she says in between gasps, clutching onto her chest like it'll do anything. Trying to take a step, she falls on the ground, her breathing becoming more rapid.

Steve runs to her side, kneeling down next to her as he looks to everyone else worriedly.

"It's all that smoke in her lungs," Dustin comments, although very unhelpful.

"Fuck...you," Gina wheezes, giving him the finger.

"She's having an anxiety attack," Stephanie says, pushing Steve's shoulder and urging him to do something. When he only stares at Gina, who's still holding onto her chest, Stephanie pushes him out of the way and begins to take control of the situation.

She puts her hand on Gina's shoulder and says, "okay, uh, in for three and out for four okay?"

Gina nods.


The girls take in a deep breath, Stephanie nodding her head in encouragement.




Once she finally catches her breath again, everyone sits in silence. Gina stands up, hiding the eye roll when Steve helps her stand. She hits his hand away. "Don't pity me. I'm fine." She starts walking to her car, pretending that she doesn't know the rest aren't following her. "Let's go!" she shouts, hearing the scurrying footsteps behind her.

Once Gina is in her car and no one is around, she sighs loudly, rubbing her face with her hands as she relives what just happened.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina shoots up, waking from another nightmare. She looks at the clock.

10:05 a.m

Her eyes drift from the clock to where Max slept last night. The couch is empty.

She looks around the room and then bounds up the stairs, halting in her tracks when she sees Max sitting at the kitchen table with Holly, Nancy's sister.

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