27. lovebirds and lots of ricks

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina fights to keep her heavy eyelids open as she lays on the ground, still in the same place as last night after the argument with her dad. Flipping onto her back, a sharp pain in her side makes her yell out in pain. As Gina sits up, the sound of the phone ringing jolts her fully awake, dashing to pick it up before it wakes her dad.

"What?" she whisper yells into the end, checking around the corner for Neil.


Gina's face falls when she hears Robin's voice through the other end. "...Yeah?"

"Something really bad happened. I can't say on the phone, someone might be listening, just come over to work ASAP."

The dial tone drones and Gina immediately slips into her shoes, grabs her keys, and rushes out the door, forgetting that she's supposed to be at work, not that she's shown up that often anyways.

Speeding down the road, Gina swings into the Family Video parking lot, almost hitting three bikes that look hastily thrown on the ground. She speed walks through the door, seeing Max, Dustin, and Stephanie all with a serious looks on their faces while on the phone.

Gina walks up to the counter. "Okay, what happened? What happened that was so important you couldn't tell me on the phone?"

A look of confusion replaces the fright on Robin's face. "What happened to your lip?" she asks, her brows furrowing as she reaches her hand out towards Gina.

Gina pulls away before Robin could touch her, mumbling a 'it's not important', but in actuality, she had no idea that her lip was busted, only just now connecting it back to last night. Gina's gaze focuses behind Robin, seeing Max hang up the phone and sighing, obviously irritated.

Max walks up to the counter next to Robin, Gina unable to understand her facial expression.

"Max," Gina starts, talking slowly. "What happened?"

Max takes a deep breath in as Dustin and Stephanie start to crowd around the girl. "Last night, I saw Eddie and Chrissy going into Eddie's trailer. I thought it was weird, but I just brushed it off. Until later, I was watching TV and the power starts to go all weird, I get up and start hitting the TV when every single light starts to flicker."

"Flicker flicker." Stephanie adds.

Max pauses for a second before she continues. "Which isn't weird, since the power at my place is shit, but then I heard screams, loud screams. So I look out the window and Eddie is running into his car and speeding off. Then this morning, the cops were at his place, and I saw Chrissy. She was dead."

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