42. vines

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina stares up at the gate, not wanting to be the person to go through first.

After a few more moments of standing, Steve makes the first move, climbing up the rope and landing on his feet in the Upside Down, giving a small look back through the gate.

"What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin scoffs as Steve drops a mattress on the other side.

"Alright, let's go," Steve says from the Upside Down, gesturing toward the stained mattress.

Robin kneels down, holding her hand out for Gina as she boosts her up, helping her into the Upside Down.

They throw the weapons through, then Nancy comes through, followed by Eddie, then Robin, Dustin, and then Lucas.

Everyone leaves the Upside Down-trailer and into the vine infested version of Hawkins.

Thunder booms, and the sky lights up with red. At the loud bang, Gina tries to hide her jump because of the sound, but Robin knows her all too well and grabs her hand, squeezing tightly as they enter the dark woods.

Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Gina continue to walk through the woods, avoiding the big vines wrapping around the rotted trees like a sleeve.

As they walk, Robin jogs ahead saying, "I swear we've seen this tree before," worry coating her words.

"All the trees look the same, kid," Gina tells her, gesturing around to all of the almost identical trees.

Robin starts to walk backwards. "That would totally suck, right? If Vecna destroyed the world because we got lost in the woods?"

"We're not lost, Robin," Nancy says, taking a high step over a vine.

Robin gives a sarcastic laugh as she starts to run, Nancy shouting about the hive mind and Robin hastily thanking her.

Gina starts to walk ahead of Steve and Nancy to give them space, it's so obvious that Steve is still head over heels for her, even if he'll never admit it.


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina finally catches up to Robin, she's standing at the edge of the woods, watching the bats circle the Creel house that's briefly illuminated from the lightning. Gina's gaze travels to the rusted metal playground, a small circle of light hovering near it.

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