15. cracking codes

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ It's apparent Steve doesn't care too much about his job, considering the fact he totally abandoned Robin and Gina to go 'search for the Russians' with Dustin. Of course, Gina gave him a 'that's really stupid, you're acting like a child' face, which Steve didn't really take that kindly to.

Robin also left Gina to fend for herself at the counter since she decided translating the rest of the supposed Russian code was a better past time than her job (which she was hired to do).

Just then, as Dustin and Steve come back into the store, Robin speeds past the two, running out of Scoops and heading for the middle of the food court, jumping onto the ledge on the fountain. Steve and Dustin follow behind, impossibly confused about Robin's doings. Gina rolls her eyes at the three, the Russian code not even being a thought in her mind.

Dustin, Steve, and Robin come jogging into the shop, all blabbering about how Robin somehow cracked the rest of the code and what it means.

"It's—It's Imperial Panda, Kaufman Shoes, and Lynx Transportation, okay? You know, 'when blue meets yellow in the west'? That's the time, Gina! When it's 9:45, that means," Robin starts rambling to the girl, on top of various of Steve and Dustin's comments.

"What?" Gina finally says, silencing the two boys.

Robin's proud smile doesn't fade. "The code, Gi!"

"Robin, that code isn't real! It's absolute nonsense, okay?" Gina says to Robin, using the same urgent tone Robin did.

"I say we find out," Dustin proposes with a smirk growing onto his face. "If Robins right, at 9:45 there should be a Lynx delivery truck delivering boxes with Imperial Panda and Kaufman shoes, right? So why don't we go out back then to see?"

Steve and Robin turn to each other and nod.

Gina looks at the three with plain disbelief. How can they be so gullible? It's obviously just a joke some kid is pulling.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina could not be more unhappy right now.

Robin dragged her along with Dustin and Steve to sit on top of a roof behind the mall, eagerly waiting for the so called Russians. Not to mention the fact that it's currently pouring rain along with the fact that Gina does not carry an emergency compactible raincoat with her at all times, so she's left without one.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes," Robin says to Dustin, who has the binoculars.

"They're with that whistling guy," Dustin points to a man rolling a dolly in a yellow raincoat. "Ten o'clock."

They take a moment to speculate about the contents of the box, disregarding that it is more than likely there are shoes and chopsticks in the boxes rather than guns, bombs, or chemical weapons.

Gina takes notice of the big, burly men guarding the door with what's possibly the biggest gun she's ever seen. Not that it proves the evil Russian theory, just that maybe the shipments are very...highly celebrated?

Dustin and Steve start to wrestle for the binoculars like complete children, resulting in a loud bang which makes the guys with the guns pull them up to their shoulders, scanning the ground with a confident walk.

Gina ducks down along with Steve, Robin, and Dustin. She looks down at her hand to see that somehow, her hand accidentally landed into Robin's. Gina quickly pulls her hand away, a small part of her brain feeling slightly comforted. Not that Gina needs comfort in her opinion. Everything is just so much easier to do herself, isn't it? Having a girlfriend, (who mind you, is not gay) would just be another thing to keep track of in her life.

Gina slogs to her car, even her blue Vans are completely soaked from the rain. She's mad that Robin dragged her to the top of a roof and almost got her shot for no reason other than the evil Russian fairytale that she got roped into against her will. As she drives down the road, Gina realizes that it's probably immature to hold a grudge against Robin because Gina didn't particularly express her distaste for the top secret spy case.

heyyy so this is super short ik dont be mad at me ive been busy school shopping (8th grade, woo. 🙁) and i've been reading tons recently too

i will add the song later bc i'm going out to dinner rn 😍😍☝🏻


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