16. it's an elevator?

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "...opens the door, but...Russian...also has....massive gun."

Gina rolls her eyes as she hears Dustin indulge further into the Russian spy joke. No way that he actually believes that there are Russians spies plotting their demise right under their feet. It's crazy and impossible for that matter.

Steve and Robin have also left her to work the counter herself, since it's obvious that Gina couldn't care less about their investigation.

Suddenly, Robin comes bolting through the back door, clawing for the cash in the tip jar.

"Hey!" Gina yells back at Robin, who has already run halfway out the door. "Come on, some of that's mine!"

Robin warns Steve about some random stuff like don't get beat up and keep slinging ice cream. Not like Gina hasn't been doing it all morning.

"You're taking over," Gina sighs while throwing her scooper on the counter and heading for the back.

In full honesty, Gina has no idea how Steve and Robin almost fully indulged themselves in the spy joke. It's ridiculous. It's annoying her. Why would they apply for a job that they'll ignore the minute they get the opportunity? It's pretty much like Gina's keeping the store open herself.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "It is fascinating what twenty bucks will get you at the County Recorder's Office."

Gina rolls her eyes from the corner of the back room as Robin unfolds a large sheet of paper onto a table between her, Dustin and Steve.

"Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints."

Gina then pretends to be casually uninterested, but secretly, she really wants to know where Robin's gonna go with blueprints.

"So this is us, Scoops. And this is where we want to get to."

"I mean, I don't really see a way in."

"There's not, if you're talking exclusively about doors."

"Air ducts."

Gina tries to suppress a laugh, but catches the attention of Steve, someone whose attention she never wants.

"I'm sorry, is there something you would like to add?" he sasses to her.

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