12. the snow ball

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Everything worked out.

Eleven closed the gate, and it turns out that with the help of the kids, (and Steve—when the kids are there, so is Steve) they helped get the Mind Flayer out of Will.

From what Max has told Gina, they were waiting in the Byers house, but Billy came and said he was looking for Max. Billy and Steve ended up getting into a fistfight, as well as knocking out Stephanie before Max stuck him in the neck with the syringes Mrs. Byers had.

They drove to the tunnels and went down into them, then they set what she called 'the hub' on fire, which killed the vines and ultimately assisted in killing the Mind Flayer.

The lab got shut down thanks to Murray, and Barb's family finally got the closure they deserved. There was a funeral, Gina didn't go even though Nancy almost begged her to. She didn't want to intrude, she barely knew anyone.

But it's been a month since all that and Gina is helping out with the cheesy middle school dance, the Snow Ball, with Nancy and Jonathan.

Her job is to supervise, make sure everything is running smoothly, even though she isn't sure what trouble twelve-year-olds can get into. Nancy immediately offered Gina that job, she says she's way more intimidating than herself or Jonathan. Gina was happy to take the offer, even though she isn't sure if being intimidating is such a good thing.

So far, the night is running smoothly, everyone's dancing and happy. Gina's even enjoying herself more than she thought.

As the night goes on, though, she notices Stephanie leave the group once everyone else finds someone to slow dance with. Even Dustin is dancing with someone.

Gina finds Stephanie sitting on the bleachers behind all the blue streamers. She sits down next to Stephanie. "Hey."

Stephanie can't cover up the fact that she's been crying. "What?"

"What's wrong?"

She takes a moment before she responds. "The person I wanted to dance with found someone else."

Gina glances towards Stephanie, her hair is sticking to her cheeks. "Who is it?"

Stephanie shakes her head. "Doesn't matter anymore."

Gina stands up, offering out her hand. "Wanna dance with me?"

For a second, Stephanie's sad smile turns upwards, but then back down again. "Won't people get the wrong idea?"

Gina knows what she means, and if Stephanie were any other girl, she would say yes, but instead she says, "who gives a shit?"

Stephanie smiles and takes Gina's hand. They make their way down to the dance floor, which is just the glorified gym floor.

Both girls can feel the stares, but neither of them pay any attention, they're too focused on the music. Stephanie might've been more focused on Gina's hands on her hips, but, either way, neither of them pay any mind to the judgy girls with perms, or the short boys whose voices are still squeaky.

They're just in the moment, having fun.

Gina guesses it's not so bad here anymore. She's surrounded by friends, even though they had to fight monsters from the upside down.

Hawkins, Indiana, the place where many things happened, but hopefully won't happen again.


okay so i'm busy almost all day today as im writing this it's like 9:40 am so idk if i can post this now but the reformatting is coming soon

also when i start that, it probably won't get done all in one day so the whole set up will be weird and out of order but it'll be worth it once it's finished


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