46. crazy kid

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                                  CRAZY KID

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                                  CRAZY KID

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina gives an uncomfortable smile. "Yeah, of course we can talk." She sits down next to Robin. "What's up?"

Robin smiles before taking a deep breath and then starting to talk. "Well, after our...dispute at the school when Nancy was getting the fake resumes, I didn't know if you hated me or what was going on. Then when you stayed back with Max and didn't go, I thought for sure you were angry with me. We never really got a chance to talk, but then we fought again when we went to the Creel house for the first time. Then after a few days you were fine and we were, like, holding hands again but still I wanted to know if you temporarily hated me and if I messed up at all, or what I did wrong because I can—"

Gina interrupts Robin by saying, "I hope you know I didn't mean what I said in the Creel house. The reason I didn't tell you is because...because I was scared of what you would think of me. I didn't want to be that constant problem you had and I didn't want you to think that I couldn't handle myself after what happened last summer, and—"

Gina feels a hand on her shoulder, making her stop talking and look to Robin with tears in her eyes. Robin returns a soft look and says, "I understand. I do. I only got upset because I thought you didn't think you trusted me."

"Robin, of course I trust you," Gina tells her, a tear falling down her cheek.

Seeing Gina cry, Robin hugs her tightly. "Don't cry, Gina."

She sips a tear away. "I'm sorry it's just been so much, and I've been so overwhelmed with everything and my...my dad—"

"Your dad?" Robin repeats in a serious tone, Gina feeling her back tense. "What did he do? I swear I will fucking kill someone—"

Gina quietly chuckles, but then starts to tell Robin what happened. "He's just been getting so much worse after Billy died and so much more aggressive, and then I started to be like him which...I don't ever want to be like him. Ever."

Robin hugs tighter. "You're not. I promise you're not."

"But I am. Smoking and drinking, just following in his exact footsteps."

"You can stop now. It's not too late." After a few moments of silence, Robin takes Gina's hand. "I like you. Like, really like you."

Gina squeezes Robin's hand, resting her head on Robin's shoulder. "I really like you too."

"Do you mean 'like' like 'like like' or just 'like' because I mean 'like li—"

Gina scoffs, laughing at how light Robin instantly made the conversation. "You're crazy, kid."

omg. it's done. i'm so sad. actually so sad though.
but....im thinking of writing season 2 as a little bonus fun thing before season 5 comes out

for my og story, im finishing up the first chapter rn, i have the prologue done, but since i am coming up with the plot as it goes on, there will definitely be things changing in previous chapters to fit things as the story progresses 😁

anyways, i hope you guys liked reading this story, bc i sure know i loved writing this story and i loved writing gina's character and i am very excited to start writing s2 😍😍


crazy kid | r. buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now