20. i shouldn't have said that

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ A tear rolls down Gina's cheek as she tries to compose herself.

"Gina?" Robin says through the silence.

The tears threaten again, Gina's vision cloudy with the tears she's holding back. "I don't want to die, Robin."

Although Gina isn't looking at Robin, she can imagine the face she's making. "You won't die, Gi," Robin says, "we'll get out of here, kick some Russian ass, and we can go home and never come back."

Gina genuinely smiles for the first time in a while. That nickname. She's only heard it a few times, but the first time Robin said it, Gina knew. Maybe not right then, but deep down she knew the truth.

Gina sighs before continuing to talk, almost feeling as though she had no control over her words. "I've thought about it, you know; dying. How much easier it'd be for everyone else if I just...wasn't here. But then, I...I—uh, I met someone. Someone who is really funny and loud. She talks a bunch. The complete opposite of me. She's someone I can be myself around when I can't do that with everyone." She sniffs, words pouring out of her mouth, true words. Her real feelings. "My dad...he...he hits me. Hard. He told me that no...no one would love me and I'm just you know, a mistake. After a while I started to believe it. Believe I was unlovable. You have to at that point, I mean I heard it everyday. I guess what I wanted to say is that I'm sorry. I don't actually hate you. It's quite the opposite really, I just...I don't know...I can't say it."

"You can say it." Robin reassures, her voice raspy.

"I think...Uh, I kinda like you, Robin." Gina says, immediately backtracking. "Jesus Christ, I shouldn't've said that. I...shit. I'm sorry, Robin. You don't have to say anything. Forget I told you."

Steve starts to groan and lift his head up while Gina's cursing herself out in her head, kicking herself for being so stupid. How could she say that? She just put so much pressure on Robin! Why would she do that?

"Steve?" Robin asks, turning her head around. "Are you okay? Can you talk to me?"

Steve wheezes, his head still hung. "My ears are ringing, and I can't really breath and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good."

"Well," Robin says, slightly smiling. "The good news is that they're calling you a doctor."

"Is this is place of work?" Steve jokes.

Seeing as Robin is laughing, Gina decides to not worry about the whole spilling her deepest darkest secret thing and joke about the situation too. "I love the vibe." She picks up off of Steve, chuckling to herself.

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