4. the truth

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ It's the morning after the eventful party, and Steve is in a terrible mood.

Last night, Steve and Nancy got into a fight in the bathroom and Steve ended up leaving the party. As Steve was telling Gina the story, he wouldn't tell her what it was about, but, it's private is what Gina assumed.

Basically, Steve found out Jonathan took her home, and he got upset because he thought Jonathan was her 'other boyfriend' and Nancy didn't love him and all that.

Obviously, Gina found that all hard to believe, so at lunch, she decided to go and talk to Nancy, tell her how Steve felt.

She finds Nancy sitting with Jonathan on the hood of his car, just barely in earshot.

"Maybe...back...way they were."

Gina came closer, hearing what Nancy is saying clearly.

"Those people who did this, who ruined so many lives, they just get away with it."

"The people responsible for this...they're dead."


Okay, so they're murderers now? What happened to 'Hawkins, the boring place to walk your dog'? Teenage serial killers? This place is an alternate dimension compared to California.

Gina continues walking closer, potentially sealing her fate since she just heard Jonathan confess to murder.

Nancy notices Gina awkwardly standing behind Jonathan, an apologetic look on her face. "What are you doing?"

Gina hesitates before talking. "Um, Steve told me what happened last night, and I just wanted to know if you, like, wanted to talk about what happened then that's totally fine because Steve is really upset about what happened."

Nancy only stares for a few seconds before whispering something to Jonathan, then looking back at Gina and asks, "do you wanna skip fourth period with us?"

Okay, wasn't expecting that. "Yeah, sure."

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ After Gina left school with Nancy and Jonathan, they apparently had this whole elaborate plan that Gina apparently wasn't even a part of!

A few times, Gina was certain they were going to kill her. Have her be the next victim of the Hawkins serial killers.

Pretty much all they did was go to Radio Shack and buy a new phone. Pretty lame for skipping school.

Nancy is driving them back to her house now; a little awkward to be in a serial killers house, in Gina's opinion.

They walk through the front door, trying to nonchalantly walk past Nancy's mom, who does not pick up on the nonchalant-ness and walks right over to the three. "Jonathan?"

They awkwardly walk back into the kitchen, Jonathan putting up his hand in a sort of wave. "Hi...uh, Mrs. Wheeler."

"What a pleasant surprise." Mrs. Wheeler turns to Gina. "I don't think I've ever seen you before, what's your name?"

Gina puts on the smile she gives to all the try-hard parents and puts out her hand for a handshake. "Gina. I just moved here from California."

"California! Hawkins must be pretty dull compared to California," Mrs. Wheeler says with a smile, leaving the four in awkward silence.

"Uh, we have a test tomorrow," Jonathan finally says, giving them an opportunity to leave.

A few awkward remarks later, and the three are finally heading up the stairs into Nancy's room.

Nancy immediately takes the phone out of the bag and plugs it into the wall as Jonathan paces.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks, biting his bottom lip.

"No," Nancy responds decidedly, picking up the phone and dialing a number.

Gina puts her hand over her forehead. There has been so much nonsensical talk between Nancy and Jonathan all day. "Sure about what?"

"In a second," Nancy whispers between her teeth, immediately becoming sweet again as the other line picks up. "Mrs. Holland. Hi, it's, um...it's Nancy. I, uh...I need to tell you something about Barb. About that night. I, uh...I haven't been completely honest with you. But I can't tell you here on the phone. Meet me tomorrow, Forrest Hills Park, nine a.m. Don't tell anyone. And don't call me back here. It's dangerous. I just need you to trust me. Please."




Not completely honest?

Don't tell anyone?

Too dangerous?

Oh, my God. They killed this Barb girl. Holy shit. Nancy and Jonathan actually killed someone and is planning to kill someone else!

"Fuck," Gina whispers under her breath, just quiet enough so Nancy and Jonathan can't hear.

Gina is standing in a room with two murderers and with no quick way out.

"The fuck happened to Barb?" Gina finally says, breaking the silence in the room.

Nancy looks taken aback, dropping her eyes down to the ground.


Nancy looks back up, biting the inside of her cheek like she was making a big descion. After a second, she finally answers Gina. "Okay. I'll tell you everything," she says, giving a serious look to Jonathan, who nods along.

"The whole truth," he adds, taking in a deep breath.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "I don't believe that for a second," Gina scoffs, crossing her arms. "No way."

Apparently, Hawkins is cursed and there's an alternate, evil dimension hidden under the town where Jonathan's brother was taken to after he got kidnapped by a character from a Dungeons and Dragons game.

"It's the truth," Nancy tells Gina again, looking as though the story was in no way outlandish at all.

Gina gives a sarcastic smile, acting as if she understands. "Oh! Okay, so, you mean to tell me that there is a game character that you named the Demogorgan, lurking underneath this town that, for some reason, likes to kidnap short, small, twelve-year-old boys!?"

Nancy nods. "And it's the same monster that killed Barb at the party at Steve's. It killed her because she cut her hand. It detected the blood. And it escaped from Hawkins Lab where Eleven is from."

Eleven is the girl that has physic abilities and can move things with her mind. According to Nancy, she was kept in Hawkins Lab and experimented on.

"Oh—kay! That makes complete sense, yeah, total sense."

Nancy quickly stands up, loosing her cool as she says from between her teeth, "don't believe me if you don't want to, but come with us tomorrow and see for yourself. The lab is responsible for Barb, and I know it."

"You bet your ass I'm coming along," Gina responds.

Nancy takes a deep breath, recollecting herself. "Okay. See you tomorrow, then."


Hey, at least they aren't murderers! That's good, right?

wahoo new chapter

look at gina making friends 🥹


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