41. the real monster

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                           THE REAL MONSTER

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                           THE REAL MONSTER

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina curses under her breath as they sneak around the trailer park, Eddie leading the pack in Max's Michael Myers mask, not that it's doing a great job at helping them be inconspicuous; there are ten of them.

They walk by two people sitting under a tent, who Gina can only assume are the unsuspecting owners of the RV.

Everyone climbs in one by one, Eddie rushing straight to the front, messing with the wires until the engine starts to run, also turning on the radio. The owners jump up and start banging on the windows, only making the situation way more hectic.

"Open this door!"

Come on the rising wind

"Drive, Steve!"

We're going up around the bend

"Shit, they look pissed!"

Bring a song

"Don't show your face, dumbass!"

Apparently Steve drives terribly under pressure, because he starts to veer off the road, knocking into garbage cans and sending Gina straight into the wall.


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ After everything finally calms down, Gina sits down next to Robin, hoping maybe a conversation will happen.

Instead of that conversation, Gina ends up drifting off to sleep, resting her head on Robin's shoulder as she sleeps.


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ They finally make it to the War Zone, Gina jolting awake when Steve parks the RV behind the building.

Deciding that having Eddie go in would be too dangerous, Gina gets voted to stay behind along with Dustin and Lucas. She's scary, in Lucas' words.

Now that Robin was gone, Gina lays down on the couch, staring at the ceiling as the boys talk about Dungeons and Dragons for what seems like days.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Gina realizes the parking lot is becoming way too busy, so she goes into the store to tell them to hurry up.

Walking through the aisles and weaving through crowds, Gina almost didn't see Stephanie talking to...

Gina stops in her tracks when she sees Matthew fucking Carver standing over Stephanie. She walks towards them, standing behind him.

"Get the fuck off me!"

When Matt doesn't let go, Gina kicks him between his legs, making him loose his grip and turn around. "The fuck was that?" he shouts, looking down at Gina. Just because he's almost half a foot taller than her, doesn't mean she looses fights.

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